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Project Loki First Look: Apex Legends Meets Smash Bros. In Game From Former Riot And Blizzard Devs

Project Loki is a blend of hero shooter, action game, and battle royale genres.


Developer TheoryCraft has revealed more details on its top-secret game, Project Loki, which it describes as a team-based and competitive PvP game that blends several genres together. According to the studio, the game is "equal parts" hero shooter, action game, and battle royale, and is being developed by a team with past credits in Valorant, League of Legends, Halo, Destiny, Overwatch, and Apex Legends.

"As players and developers, we feel like it's been a minute since there's been something truly new and fun to play with your friends." said Joe Tung, CEO of Theorycraft Games. "To make Project Loki, we took our collective experiences working on some of the biggest team-based PvP games like League, Valorant, Apex, and Overwatch, and have been building with a group of hardcore playtesters out the gate. Now Project Loki has evolved into something fresh and unlike anything we've played so far, and we’re ready to take the next step."

Tung added that the community for Project Loki will be built "across every stage of development" for the squad-based hero battleground, which blends its genre influences together to create a new take on hero-based combat. The core loop of the game involves assembling a squad of heroes, outplaying other teams in the massive combat sandbox, and taking part in free-flowing battles.

TheoryCraft says that as development continues, meta-progression, competitive features, hero concepts, and environmental design will evolve around the game's core, and the studio is ambitiously aiming to make Project Loki the next "10,000 hour" game. The studio has already raised $87.5 million in funding from Maker's Fund, Andreesen Horowitz, NetEase, and more.

If you're interested in trying out the work-in-progress game, you can visit the Theorycraft website to sign up to become a playtester.

Darryn Bonthuys on Google+

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