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Possible Xbox One Hardware Upgrade in the Pipeline, Says Phil Spencer

"You'll actually see us come out with new hardware capability during a generation."


Microsoft has said it is building towards a future where its games consoles will be upgradable, allowing the company to keep hardware viable by incrementally increasing its power instead of replacing it with an entirely new device.

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Speaking at a recent media event, as reported by Polygon, Xbox boss Phil Spencer said he believes that Windows 10 could be used as a ubiquitous operating system that unifies all its devices, while the various hardware it runs on evolves, similar to the way PC are upgraded.

"We see on other platforms, whether it be mobile or PC, that you get continuous innovation that you rarely see on console,' he said. "Consoles lock the hardware and the software platform together at the beginning of the generation. Then you ride the generation out for seven or so years, while other ecosystem are getting better, faster, and stronger. And then you wait for the next big step function."

He continued: "When you look at the console space, I believe we will see more hardware innovation in the console space than we've ever seen. You'll actually see us come out with new hardware capability during a generation allowing the same games to run backward and forward compatible."

Since Microsoft has "a Universal Windows Application running on top of the Universal Windows Platform," it will be able to improve hardware "without invalidating the games that run on that platform."

It is not clear whether this means second-gen Xbox One games can run on first-gen hardware.

He continued: "We can effectively feel a little bit more like we see on PC, where I can still go back and run my old Doom and Quake games that I used to play years ago but I can still see the best 4K games come out and my library is always with me.

"Hardware innovation continues while the software innovation is able to take advantage and I don't have to jump a generation and lose everything that I played on before."

You'll actually see us come out with new hardware capability during a generation

Phil Spencer

Asked to elaborate later, Spencer noted that Sony is doing something similar to this in the way it is adding VR capabilities to the PS4. When PlayStation VR launches, it will include a standalone device with its own processor to handle computation for the device.

"Sony is doing this with VR and adding VR capabilities mid-cycle to the PlayStation 4 and they are doing that by adding another box. I don't mean that as a negative. But it's not changing what the core console is about.

"For consoles in general it's more important now than it's ever been, because you have so many of these other platforms that are around. It used to be that when you bought your console you were way ahead of the price performance curve by so much, relative to a PC. But now PCs are inexpensive and your phones are getting more and more capable."

Despite all this, Spencer did not provide any concrete details on whether Microsoft plans to upgrade the Xbox One, or introduce a whole new platform in the future that can be iterated on in the way described above.

"I'm not going to announce our road map for hardware," he said. "I want to make sure that people see that what we are doing enables us to be more committed to what consoles are about than we've ever been and innovate more consistently than we ever have. That's the key for me."

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Explain to me this. If a console becomes the same as a PC, with upgradeable specs and different performance tiers. Why on earth would anyone buy a console and not a PC? Why are we paying MS the extra royalty fees per game when the same game costs less on PC?

The whole point of paying extra for console games is so MS can get their royalty from software sales based on their hardware. But if their hardware is no different than a PC, why don't we all just get PCs and cut out the middle-man period?

I get that MS wants to make royalty fees of PC game sales and console game sales, but you can't have it both ways. One cannibalizes the other, in the end your back to square one, with everyone doing their own thing, and nobody making money.

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@kazeswen: I don't think MS plans to go the route of adding upgradable parts like Sony is doing with the PS VR. I think instead they plan on releasing a completely new hardware platform (albeit with the same x86 instruction set) that's fully compatible with X1 games, and the 360 backwards compatible titles. And I think they're hoping to entice gamers by adding cross-buy between PC and Xbox systems so they aren't paying double for the same game. Cross-buy between Xbox and PC is the only way MS can compete with Steam.

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@troll_elite: Regardless if its upgradeable parts or not, it still divides the console gaming into different segments of low and high performance. So if I wanted that, why wouldn't I just game on PC, a save myself the royalty fee I must pay to MS for each game. I'm paying less for games on PC, and I'm getting the same experience.

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@kazeswen: When you say the same game costs less on PC WTF are you talking about? I game on Xb1 and PC, I wanted to get The Enhanced Edition of Dying Light on PC. I have the normal one on Xb1 so I figured, I can play games in 4k so why not get it for pc? Its the same damn price as if I went into the store and bought it for Xb1 you jamoke!!!

Steam has sales, so does Xbox Live. Brand new games are NOT any cheaper on PC than they are on console. I dont know where thew hell you pc only gamers come up with this?

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@skiggy34: If buy them off Steam, since steam adds their royalty fees, no different than any console.

Try getting just the CD key for the game on third party PC game suppliers. Much cheaper than console.

Dying Light Enhanced Edition can be bought on PC for like 10-20 bucks cheaper on PC, than on console. I can even give you a link where its cheaper.

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@skiggy34: Well, Steam sales happen at a fairly often rate compared to most other platforms.

Also, Steam isn't the only place in which you can buy games through. For instance, you can buy games off of greenmangaming's site (steam/origin codes). They usually have a 20% off code every month that you can use on any game. So instead of $60 AAA price, you can get it at launch for $48.

Plus these other store fronts will have their own sets of sales above and beyond steam. Basically, if you are paying full price for the majority of your PC games you are doing it wrong.

One thing I can recommend is getting the Enhanced Steam plugin for your web browser and browsing the steam store with that installed. It will tell you on the store page for each game what the current lowest price of that game is on the net (for a steam code) and what the historical lowest price that game has ever had.

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@mikemurphy80: Exactly tons of PC game vendors sell PC game CDkeys for far below market value. When you buy steam you are already paying for Steams royalty just like MS or Sony.

The great thing about PC games is if you know where to look, you can bypass the royalty fees period and pay 20-30 bucks less on all new releases compared to console.

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Prepare to get shafted current xbox owners. It's coming.

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Edited By Zero_Dawn

@drizzygadget: they are getting crushed in sales, so they are going to milk their fanboys

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@zero_dawn: the only people who care about number of sales are fan boys and stock holders. Which are you?

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This potentially crushes new sales too. If I was thinking of buying an XB1 now. Id probably wait for them to confirm something first.

Phil seemed to be doing well up till this.

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@zero_dawn: And that matters why....?

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Edited By GamerYnoX

Bringing hardware upgrades to consoles is a recipe for disgrace:

- Only serves to fragment the player/install base.

- Developers will have little incentive to develop games for the newer hardware, less customers since players will most likely have to upgrade and most people aren't going to do this.

- Defeats purpose of consoles as a low price/ease of use gaming machine.

- Can only play "Xgame" is you have "Xbox one hardware version 3.2 or higher" (example) - Causes confusion, again fragmenting install base.

Consoles shouldn't be compared to PCs or be upgradable like one. Just be patient and wait for the next console gen or buy a PC.

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@GamerYnoX: If they keep the same hardware for 8 years, tablets will demolish them graphically at the end of their lifespan. Once devs carry their franchises over to tablets, customers will too and the console system will break. Not to mention that anything like Apple TV playing games with a hooked controller and upgrading it yearly will be enough to destroy old-system consoles.

People already voted with their wallets when they began upgrading their phones yearly or every second year, companies saw they can pay and they're delivering the new system.

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@Ultramarinus: Tablets and smartphones might surpass consoles graphically but none of those have games with the same quality as consoles. Tablets and smarphones are popular because those are multipurpose devices, and in a connected and social society its simply the best device to have, but mobiles are far away from the experience you can get on a dedicated gaming device because mobiles are made with portability and ease of use in mind. And lets face it, touch screens for AAA gaming is a no go, and most people wont carry a controller around to play on a mobile device. Thats why AAA gaming is still away for mobile devices. It's a different kind of gaming, so while I believe developers will make games for mobile devices, they simply can't ignore the AAA gaming crowd and superior controls of a gaming machine. Console/PC gaming is not dying anytime soon..

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@GamerYnoX: Yet if they get ahead technically and developers move on to those, you suddenly have AAA quality games so that advantage is fickle. Many companies are already testing the waters so they're not averse to the idea.

And I'm already saying that tablets aren't the main threat there but stuff like Apple TV + controller. An 8-year old console won't be able to compete with something like that which also gets upgraded yearly and gets constant OS updates.

PC already has the constant upgrade model so that's a threat to consoles, not PCs. Consoles used to update like every 5 year and now it's 8 and increasing, that model won't endure.

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@GamerYnoX: You do make some good points, but I don't think it's going to work like that. If I was in their shoes, I would work with what the xbox can do at its baseline capabilities. With that in mind, anyone that wants to "upgrade" their xbox can do so for a more enjoyable experience.

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@GamerYnoX: You actually make very good points. I am not really sure how MS would handle the upgradable Xbox hardware. I dont know where Ms is going with all of this, and they may end up having another 2013 E3 type of PR disaster. Personally, I prefer consoles for "easy" of use and price/performance. Also, I feel that competitive online gaming on consoles comes down to player skills since we all use the same hardware.

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Edited By BeantownSean


My guess is the games would be designed with a number of graphical presets that unlock based on the users config.

PC games already have these presets, unlocked for the end-user to decide.

So basically everyone will have the exact same game, the visuals will scale based on the users own XBO config.

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@beantownsean: I dont see how they would get away from what you mention, but that is my concern in terms of online gaming. For example some players with a better upgraded xbox will be able to have a better resolution and hence have an Advantage to those with the "base" xbox hardware. This may end up in a fragmented community.

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@beantownsean: Yep, this is what I was thinking.

Sounds like he's talking smaller incremental upgrades and versioning the console (not user upgradable like a PC). And the developer just has to put in a simple check, if xbox v1 these graphical presets... if xbox v2 these graphical presets when the game is launched. No user intervention or knowledge required.

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This, plus a lot of console buyers probably know little of the technology and would become lost by all this.

Casual users and buying for their kids wouldn't have a clue.

I bought this game and it doesn't work!

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Edited By Troll_Elite

Sounds like a brand new console using the same instruction set. Not surprising though, since new hardware could very easily switch to an emulation-mode for current X1 games (just as x1 does for 360 games now), and then use the updated Zen CPUs/Polaris GPUs (or whatever the new hardware is) to run the X1.5 games. It would explain the big push from MS to move all their Xbox exclusives to Windows Store to promote cross-buy.

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Edited By lateralus1

@troll_elite: Well actually, the PS4 and X1 switched to PC x64 architecture. So whenever they do come out with the next generation consoles they too will most likely run on the same architecture. What this means is that you won't need emulation at all. The old gen games, and new gen games, will both run on the same new hardware directly - no emulation needed at all. Emulation is software emulating actual hardware, and then emulating software within that. Essentially, the PS4 and X1 actually are PC's hardware-wise. (x64 architecture) They just have custom OS software, custom API's, and custom boxes to hold it all in. So going forward there will be no more worry about "backwards compatible" - as long as they stick to the same x64 architecture. I think they most likely will going forward.

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Very interesting. I am not sure how it will be implemented though, but I guess we will have to wait and see. Maybe developers will have to add an option in the settings to allow the game to ran on the old and new hardware. I am on the fence on this one though.

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Edited By kazeswen

Phil Spencer has put a hold on my XB1 purchase plans.

I can't buy a system knowing that it will have its own library split between two performance levels. Sorry, that defeats the whole purpose of consoles.

And PS4 VR is nothing like upgrading a console specs, it's a peripheral device with completely new library of games. Like the Sega CD.

For those blaming the poor initial specs, it's because console manufacturers stopped taking a loss leader on consoles, like they used to do. When you take a loss leader on a console, you can make the console ahead of the times as opposed to behind the times. But the Wii proved that you can make money on console sales at the expense of poor hardware, so everyone followed suit. Big mistake, very short sighted move, in the long run, every one loses cause you cut short your console's lifespan.

Very big mistake for Phil to have made this statement, should have kept it internal. Everyone that was on the fence on getting an XB1 will now think twice, who wants an outdated console, nobody!

At least when God made Spencer, he gave him a face that matches his wit. LOL

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@kazeswen: It sounds like they need to clarify more information. I don't think it will be split honestly. Consoles is purchased by many because of its simplicity. In a post I mentioned above, they should work with what the xbox can do as its baseline capabilities. If anyone wants to upgrade, they can do so for a more enjoyable experience.

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Edited By kazeswen

@infernoxas: Yeah but when I pay hard earned money on a console game, I wanna know that the devs worked their asses off tweaking the code to get it to run as best as it can possibly run for that system, That's the ONLY reason I'm willing to pay the extra royalty fees to Sony and MS for the console price of a game.

If MS introduces XB1.1 then basically devs need not work as hard on XB1 version since they can just opt to make it run better with relative ease on XB1.1. So, in the end you will see two gaming tiers, the slower version on XB1 and the faster version on XB1.1.

So, no, I'll pass. I'm not paying extra money for games on console unless they are optimized for the console. So, in that sense, I'll stick with PS4, at least I'll know that my royalty fees are going to making sure that game is running at its absolute best.

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Edited By berserker66666 tiny step closer to PC. But that's how it has to be for these "Next Gen" consoles. They came out already weak and couldn't even do 1080p/60. And the way, video game tech and graphics engines are improving, it's the only way. If Microsoft does it, it'll be like the Sega Genesis with its incremental add-ons. But I'm sure most people are opposed to that kind of idea. People gets console for hassle/upgrade free play sessions. But if they wanna play next gen games without compromise, well...they gotta dish out more. You can blame it on Sony and Microsoft for releasing underdeveloper and underpowered consoles.

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@berserker66666: Well at least Sony is sticking with their guns and living with the poor hardware. MS is now backtracking, that's weak.

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@kazeswen: Yeah we'll see. When MS makes an Xb1 that runs 4k and bundles it with Oculus or Valves VR and it smokes the PS4/ PSVr I'm sure we will see Sony move to improve. People talk like Xbox doesnt have a following. Xbox is not Nintendo. yes Nintendo is legendary but not anymore. Xbox wipes the floor with Nintendo as far as home console is concerned. 3rd parties want to make games for Xbox. LOL I'll bet Japan has at least 10 million sales of PS4 over there. Right there is where your difference is because I'll bet xbox one and ps4 are neck and neck in the US..

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Edited By kazeswen

@skiggy34: You forget China, one of the biggest markets on Earth. Now open for the first time in history to consoles.

This is a country where people still play Counter Strike on old ass Celeron systems. Chinese people don't like to upgrade gaming.

They want 1 PS4, 1 XB1, and 1 Nintendo whatever the hell.

Ain't nobody in China gonna buy 2 XB1s, vs 1 PS4.

Console is meant to be simple, you buy it and you forget about it for 7 years. I have a 4K TV and even I won't buy an XB1 in 4K. I would however buy Nintendo NX in 4K, since it's a completely new system.

Selling 2 consoles in one life cycle, that doesn't fly.

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Edited By nervedamaged

From what I've read, the box that comes with PS VR is for audio processing, freeing up the ps4 to just process graphics. I also think that having upgradeable consoles defeats the idea of having a console. They are made for optimization since everyone has the same specs, it is easier to get all you can out of it. If you want to upgrade hardware, switch to PC.

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Edited By Xristophoros

bad idea. now developers will need to worry about multiple hardware configurations, rendering their games less optimized. that is the beauty of consoles... only one piece of hardware to worry about which allows developers to learn and grow with the hardware. it sounds as though microsoft has plans to exploit its customers half way into this console generation (year 4 perhaps) and force them to purchase an add-on for the x1. obviously, many new titles won't even work unless you purchase the upgrade otherwise why do this at all? it is to make money, not to please the userbase who wants better graphics. this will be infuriating to many, i am sure. hopefully sony knows better and instead releases ps5 in year 5 or 6 of this gen rather than a crappy add-on... people buy consoles due to their simplicity and no fuss approach. this is one step too far... we don't need consoles to become pc's. i am open to the idea of modular pc's, though. a steam-machine-like device that has slots/modules that can be removed/loaded with ease.

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@Xristophoros: Microsoft is so out ot touch with their consumer base it is ridiculous. There would be no reason to upgrade one of these - may as well just build out a PC (Which maybe they are trying to force). Sony will continue to dominate with the Playstation as a result of what will be yet another brainless thoughtless knee jerk reaction implemented full scale.

Microsoft lacks common sense, business sense, and in reality, are clueless morons.

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@Utnayan: I agree, since Gates just sided with the FBI over individual privacy. How likely will any sane person be willing to ever purchase an Windows Phone, now, knowing that MS has already built a backdoor in the security.

Dumb moves back to back by big M. I used to like them, but now, I don't know. One thing is certain, I'm sticking with my IPhone and will not be getting an XB1.

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If this generation of consoles weren't gimped with pathetically weak GPUs and shared VRAM and RAM from the get-go none of this would be being talked about and the same 7-year cycle would repeat. But everyone was in race to the bottom of the barrel mode and console gamers don't want to shell out the cost of the system, so they sold you $300 worth of hardware that was out-dated by 2-year old PC parts the day it was announced. This has NEVER happened before. Every other console generation, consoles were subsidized in priced and packed with mid-high current PC equivalent performance. It's like they think they're so smart talking about something that won't even be in functional form until the 7 yr cycle is up anyway to hand wave away the fact that THEIR decisions led to the current predicament of their console titles looking pathetically weak vs 2160p and 1440p PC gaming.

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@yogibbear: In the history of civilization one statement always holds true. "You can't have your pie and eat it too."

They opted to make money off of console sales as opposed to the traditional method of taking a loss on hardware in return for a long life cycle of software royalties. You cannot try to make money off of cheap low powered consoles and also expect those same cheap low powered consoles to last the same amount of time as their more expensive predecessors. No, you can only have one or the other.

They chose cheap hardware which means low console life cycle. Now they wanna backtrack, but its too late. That's life.

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It would be cool if they added the 4k processor that they took out when everyone bulked at a $1000 console when they first introduced them!

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@BadMrSnake: WTH is a 4k processor?

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I've been asking for this for years.

Basically the launch version is the min specs requirement and as you buy the upgraded versions (or parts), the games are enhanced to take advantage of the upgrade.

You still have a 5-8 year life-cycle, but the hardware keeps up over time. Then you iterate to the next generation; keeping backwards compatibility only if it doesn't hold back the new platform. Ideally BC would always come along and with x86 being standard now, it's much more possible, though the unique designs of consoles still add complications to that.

Good ideas but we'll see if the implementations meet expectations.

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@Hvac0120: Good luck getting those "Enhancement options". Publishers will drive the development to the lowest common denominator of the base console - and that will be all you see. Anything else they will port/develop for PC based systems. MS would have to prove the install market for the upgraded consoles to justify the added development cost - and I guarantee you that won't happen. Publishers rule the market. Not Sony or Microsoft. Not to mention, the entire console would have to be modular in design to support ease of plug and play hardware upgrades so a 44 year old mom could do it. This will make it ridiculously expensive.

So lets see. Publishers developing to the lowest common denominator, expensive sole manufacturer controlled modular add ons, a fractured and unmeasurable install base, and Microsoft's lack of foresight on all these issues and that's just the upfront in your face issue.

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@Utnayan: swapping parts could be made simple by design, but it would introduce possible confusion. It has been done before, though. The N64 had a memory expansion to improved some games that supported it.

Upgrading the console over the years isn't that big a deal. MS just swaps out the old SKUs with new SKUs containing upgraded hardware. From a developer viewpoint, they focus on lowest common denominator and target that. Then they add tuning to give improvements to upgraded consoles. Sure, there's some extra cost added to development, but not so much if it's just pushing the resolution a bit higher or turning on tesselation and other features usually added to PC editions.

I'm not keeping hopes high, but it seems this is where consoles may need to go as tech moves forward.

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Pro tip: in order to not look dumb in the comments, better read the text first.

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thats awesome omg

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Edited By HeavyGavel

Anyone remember this guy?

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I like the idea of expandable hardware. Design the console to allow easy insertion and removal of proprietary modules that increase performance. You can have the upgrade potential like a PC and still have the gaming convenience consoles provide. I'd buy that if they prove it works.

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If this new model takes effect they'll just make it so that the next generation of consoles will be very basic and then offer optional enhancements that come out on a yearly basis. Yet more and more ways to squeeze out more and more money from the consumer.

Or maybe they'll start that right now, with the Xbox One. First you will have to buy a modifiable Xbox One.5. Upgrade the components in 6 months, another upgrade 6 months later, etc.

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I think this defeats the whole purpose of consoles, as others have said. My understanding of the motivation of console gamers to play on consoles is that they want the ease of knowing they can just sit down, hit a button and play. They don't have to worry about drivers or compatibility or anything like that. If they start opening up consoles for upgrades down the line you're going to have a segmented xbox user group..

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Edited By BeantownSean


There will be no segregation, you'll simply have people playing the same game with different specs, both online and off. The driver and compatibility side will be handled directly by MS through patches...just like today.

That's far simpler than PC where we have to T-shoot our own problems. I just ran into problem on PC where if Afterburner was doing any screen-overlay, RotTR would crash at launch.

The real problem is many console gamers will feel pressured to upgrade because they don't want to feel left behind; that's the real issue.

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Edited By kazeswen

@beantownsean: Yeah, but this effectively makes the console exactly the same as a PC. Why wouldn't I just build a PC then? Games are cheaper on PC, and if I need to upgrade my console to get a decent playable game without sacrifices to my experience, why would I not just get a PC? Why am I paying the inflated console gaming prices that go to MS, when I can skip the middle man and just pay for games without the console royalties?

Makes no sense.

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Edited By BeantownSean


Other than to have MS manage the compatibility side of things....I don't know.

Anyone who is on console but has the ability to build and maintain their own rig would be nuts or pure lazy to stick with an upgradable console.

I think its a improvement over current static-consoles, however users will still be tied to MS's release schedule.

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@kazeswen: because PCs are more expensive. And if the xbox has easy to replace modules you don't need to worry about hardware compatibility, drivers, and so on as that will be handled by MS. All you need is to replace the module and you are good to go. How hard is that to understand?

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Edited By kazeswen

@Aleperez75: How can a console with upgradeable parts be less expensive than a PC with the same parts? What do you think MS is running a charity, any consumer part once branded with an MS label must have a price increase for MS to make money.

Why on earth would an upgradeable XB1 be cheaper than an upgradeable PC, when MS has to mark up all the upgrades from SSD, to RAM to CPU, to GPU. Every single piece of upgrade will cost more than their original off the shelf value. You know that piece of cheap Hynix Ram for $15, once that become XB1 Ram it's bumped to $30, that will apply for everything.

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Exactly. Great comment and right on the money. I think some people confused by what he is saying in this article.

I'll always upgrade to bigger and better !!! But I agree, no one wants to be left behind.

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