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Pokemon Home Ending Support For Some Older Phones

Following an update in June, the Pokemon storage service will no longer work with several older phones and operating systems.


Pokemon Home will soon discontinue support for several older phones and operating systems, The Pokemon Company has announced. Following an update slated for June, the app will no longer be compatible with the following OSes and mobile devices:

  • Android 5
  • iOS 9
  • iOS 10
  • iOS 11
  • iPhone 5s
  • iPhone 6

As The Pokemon Company notes, "there may be other devices on which Pokemon Home may function imperfectly or stop working entirely" following the June update. According to the company, it may take some time for the service "to become compatible" with newer operating systems.

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If you're planning on using Pokemon Home on a new device, The Pokemon Company advises to link the app to your Nintendo Account in order to carry over all your information. You can check whether your app is already linked to a Nintendo Account by tapping on Options and looking at the Account tab.

The Pokemon Company hasn't shared any further details about June's Pokemon Home update, so we don't yet know what it will entail. However, the company has been regularly rolling out updates that improve functionality. The most recent patch released back in February and made several quality-of-life improvements, including adding a "Receive All" option to the Wonder Box.

This year marks the 25th anniversary of the Pokemon series, and there are multiple Pokemon games on the way for Switch over the next few months. New Pokemon Snap, a long-awaited follow-up to the classic N64 spin-off, releases on April 30, while remakes of Pokemon Diamond and Pearl will launch later this year. Further down the line, a new Pokemon game called Pokemon Legends: Arceus will arrive on Switch in early 2022.

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