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Pokemon Go Will Feature Special Inkay Research In September

Pokemon Go trainers will have the chance to earn double candy if they participate in this event.


Niantic has announced a new limited research for Pokemon Go featuring Inkay taking place on September 3 from 11 AM to 2 PM local time. Players who participate in the event will earn event bonuses, have the chance to encounter a shiny Inkay, and more.

During the three-hour limited research event, players will have the opportunity to run into the following Pokemon:

  • Alolan Rattata
  • Murkrow
  • Houndour
  • Poochyena
  • Nuzleaf
  • Sableye
  • Purrloin

If they're lucky, they'll even run into a Galarian Zigzagoon and a shiny one.

In addition to catching Pokemon, there'll also be a few event bonuses for players to partake in. Players will earn double the candy whenever a Pokemon is caught during the three-hour event. Although running into a Shiny Inkay is considered rare, the odds of a player running into one are increased for the event. All the field research tasks lead to an encounter with an Inkay.

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