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PlayStation 2 broadband service begins in Japan

Sony's PlayStation 2 broadband service is under way in Japan.


Sony Computer Entertainment has announced that the authentication system for the PlayStation 2 broadband service has started in Japan. The Dynamic Network Authentication System (DNAS) is used for content authentication and copy management based on the user ID of the PlayStation 2 hardware unit. Now that the DNAS is in operation, users can change their network settings upon installing the PlayStation BB Navigator.

Internet service providers in Japan began distribution of the PlayStation BB unit (PS2 hard disk drive) along with the PlayStation BB Navigator disc over the weekend. Upon installing the PlayStation BB Navigator Version 0.10 onto the PS2, users cannot access the memory card menu or the CD player features. The company has commented that an downloadable patch to solve the problem will be available in the future. Users are advised to detach the PlayStation BB unit to prevent the problem for the time being.

We'll have more on the PlayStation 2 broadband service and its US counterpart in the coming weeks.

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