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Pikmin Bloom Has Been Downloaded 2 Million Times In Two Weeks

Pikmin Bloom, the latest game from Pokemon Go developer Niantic, has been downloaded two million times since its release.


Pikmin Bloom, the new AR mobile game from Pokemon Go developer Niantic and Nintendo, has been downloaded two million times since its limited-territory release two weeks ago.

As reported by Eurogamer, this information comes from Sensor Tower, which tracks app store data, spending, and downloads. Pikmin Bloom was downloaded 864,000 times in Japan, which is the game's most popular country. The US is the second-largest and the UK is third. Pikmin Bloom is primarily focused on exercise, letting players plant and grow Pikmin as they walk. The more you walk, the more Pikmin you have. The Pikmin grow flowers on their heads, which can be planted to grow more flowers.

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Now Playing: Pikmin Bloom Game Overview

To compare this to Niantic's other two licensed games, Pokemon Go and Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, Pikmin is doing relatively well for being a much smaller property. According to Sensor Tower, Pokemon Go hit 75 million downloads in the same time frame and Harry Potter: Wizards Unite was downloaded 12.4 million times. In terms of revenue, Pikmin Bloom has generated $437,000 so far, with Pokemon Go hitting $116 million and Wizards Unite hitting $8 million in that same period. It seems reasonable that expectations for Pikmin Bloom were likely lower than both of those games due to it being a smaller IP.

Pokemon Go has gone on to hit one billion downloads as of July 2019. Harry Potter: Wizards Unite has seemingly trended in the other direction, with Niantic announcing that the game will be shutting down on January 31, 2022.

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