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Phantasy Star Online 2 Comes To PC Next Week And Features Xbox One Cross-Play

PSO2 login bonuses will be awarded, as well as "more surprises planned" coming later down the line.


The wildly popular online JRPG, Phantasy Star Online 2, will officially make its way to Windows 10 PCs on Wednesday, May 27. You can download the game for free from the Microsoft Store.

PSO2 will feature cross-play between PC and Xbox One when it hits Windows 10 next week. Unfortunately, the full system requirements have yet to be revealed. More information about the Windows 10 port will be unveiled on the game's official website soon.

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According to PSO2 Team North America's head of marketing, Fred White, "There will be login bonuses waiting for [PC players] with more surprises planned in the coming months."

PSO2 is also supposedly making its way to Steam, though any official information--such as a release date--has not been provided yet. Knowledge about an apparent Steam port was pulled from the game's manual, which reveals instructions on how to launch the online JRPG on various platforms. Xbox boss Phil Spencer confirmed that the game is not exclusive to the Xbox platform.

Phantasy Star Online 2 is now available to download and play on Xbox One. While the game is free on Xbox One, there is a $60 Founder's Pack that features exclusive skins, a few in-game boosters, and more. It does require an active Xbox Live Gold membership to play.

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