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Parasite Eve Draws Near

Square's PlayStation horror-adventure game Parasite Eve combines Hollywood effects with Square's storytelling expertise.


Square's latest project is a mix of adventure and horror called Parasite Eve. Combining Square's development at Square USA and at the company's Los Angeles studio, the game is best described as a digital horror mystery. Produced by Hironobu Sakaguchi, the game also features character designs from Tetsuya Nomura.

The game not only has a distinct Hollywood flavor, but also takes place in New York City. Rookie Detective Aya Brea is on the case about mysterious happenings in the city, and eventually finds out what is lurking within the shadows.

Like most RPGs, the game has an exploration view, which is how the player moves about in the game. Then, when facing enemies, the view changes to a battle mode, showing Aya fighting the menace that threatens the survival of New York City, and mankind. The environments have been drawn and designed similarly to those in Final Fantasy VII, with polygon characters and pre-rendered artwork. Parasite Eve screenshots are courtesy of Square Co. Ltd.

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