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On-Disc DLC Outrage Is Off the Mark

Anger over post-release content locked away on the retail disc should be directed at nickel-and-diming business models, not focused on the logistics of content delivery.


In the last couple of weeks, gamers have expressed no shortage of outrage at finding downloadable content locked away on the retail release discs for Mass Effect 3 and Street Fighter X Tekken. They argue that by buying the disc, they own all the content on it and shouldn't be made to pay extra to access it at a later date.

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On-disc DLC in Street Fighter X Tekken has many players spoiling for a fight.

The heart of the argument makes sense, but specifically attacking the practice of on-disc DLC is a tactical misstep. Publishers bank on DLC in their business plans, and putting it on the disc that ships is simply a matter of convenience for them. If the unthinkable happened and gamers rose as one unified front tomorrow and refused to buy any game with on-disc DLC forever more, publishers would simply leave it off the disc and force players to download it later (when it will use up a gamer's time and hard-drive space, in addition to money). At that point, it's a matter of semantics and logistics for the publishers, of carefully managing how the deal is presented to players to minimize outrage. And rest assured it will happen, as semantics and logistics are about the only two things at which publishers truly excel.

As a result, determining how to best combat the practice of on-disc DLC requires first identifying what's at the heart of the discontent. (Hint: As is so often the case, it's all about money.) When gamers spend $60 on a hotly anticipated new title like Mass Effect 3 or Street Fighter X Tekken, they rightfully want it to feel like a big deal. After investing that much money and anticipation in a brand new game, they expect the total package, the whole enchilada, the Full Monty, if you will. (But we hope you won't.)

The heart of the argument makes sense, but specifically attacking the practice of on-disc DLC is a tactical misstep.

Unfortunately, it's difficult--or simply more expensive--to achieve that these days, as a $60 purchase is rarely comprehensive. There's often an assortment of retailer-exclusive preorder bonuses, downloadable content, and perhaps a collector's edition at a $20 to $90 markup. And that naturally alienates gamers who feel that $60 is worthy of a first-rate, fully featured experience. And let's not even dwell on the avalanche of post-release DLC, the nickel-and-diming (or $5 and $10-ing) of map packs, modes, and costumes that can double the total cost of a complete AAA game over its life span. And with season passes, gamers have started preordering content that they don't know anything about, even though history has shown the quality of such add-ons varies wildly, even for the best games.

This trend shouldn't come as a big surprise to those who follow the industry, as publishers have been pushing gamers down this road for years. When the Xbox 360 launched, Microsoft kept its first-party titles at the previous generation's $50 price point because it was so scared of hurting sales. But by the time Gears of War rolled around the following year, consumers had embraced the $60 standard with nary a peep, and the race was on to find a gamer's pain point when it came to pricing. All the while, the soaring costs of high-definition game development prodded previously prudent publishers to risk running afoul of their fan bases.

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Even if gamers stop buying titles with on-disc DLC, publishers will just keep it off the disc in the future, and the fundamental problem will remain the same.

The solution to the problem is to let publishers know that they've already blown past the pain point and to tell them we've had our fill. But it can't just be about on-disc DLC, or day-one DLC, or collector's editions, or season passes. It needs to be communicated to the publishers in sweeping fashion that gamers want a complete experience for a fair price or we simply won't pay. We need to tell them to present us with information on all extraneous content ahead of time--including pricing and release dates--so that we can make a more informed decision on whether to hand over our money. We need to tell them not to cut up expansions into a dozen $5 add-on packs, not to claim the retail game is a complete stand-alone package one week and the story-based DLC meaningfully fills in gaps the next.

The only alternative is to keep paying full price for less-than-full games.

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Edited By PayneKiller

Remember when games costed $50 last gen and you got everything? I've made it a point not to buy any game at full price this gen, but I always buy new still, never ever buy from Gamestop or buy used games otherwise apart from the one time I bought NBA 2k11 off craigslist. I rarely buy DLC too, unless it really really appeals to me and I'm not expecting a GOTY edition to have all that packed in at a lower price. I'm quite satisfied with waiting for games to drop in price, it only takes a few months, and the wait usually offsets the extra expense of DLC if I choose to buy into it.

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Edited By Nzilla

@Dread318 Just because they are businesses doesn't mean they can't be ethically wrong. It's ethically wrong for a business to have old women bludgeoned to death and steal their money. It's also ethically wrong for businesses to sell you a house and go "This is a complete house, yes sir... but if you want a roof that is going to come in a DLC which costs extra."

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Edited By Darkeus

@ FlamingFury I did. However, there is a bit of defending the practice mixed in the article in contrast with the last paragraph that say something different. DLC that is on the disk is worse than DLC, IMO. It shows that the corps are just greedy, not some altruistic company wanting to share cut content. That explanation is crap.... All DLC is just bad. Release expansions, release a full game. Leave this DLC crap in the past....

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Edited By ilikepandas

Game publishers seem to be taking a two-pronged attack: on one end you see the "nickel and diming" tactic mentioned in the article. At the same time, they've recently started trying to choke off used game sales in an effort to flank the gamer's ability to say No to the incomplete $60 game by waiting for the price to drop and picking up a used copy.

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Edited By hitechgraphs

I don't know anout mass effect 3 what's going on but for SF X TEKKEN special edition,had notice that have deceiveng content advise.Says the following:EXCLUSIVE CONTENT:Includes Cole,Megaman & Pacman but the truth already known is that they are locked.I heard in forums that a guy have plans for a lawsuit against Capcom and his lawyer encourage him for do it so.He had penty of an argument to proceed.

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Edited By FlamingFury

@Darkeus You didn't read the article, did you.

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Edited By reyace

I am still waiting for a special edition of Street fighter X Tekken.

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Edited By no-scope-AK47

Going to vote with my wallet on disc dlc is a clear violation of trust. Used to be dlc was used to extend the life of the game. Now it is on disc so clearly they are cutting corners on the main game. I just won't buy dlc and stick to mods on my pc.

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Edited By Darkeus

Gamespot. Why do you keep defending this bad business practice??? I mean seriously, the crappy condition that video games are in right now has me going back to Tabletop RPGs and complex Board games! I mean, at least I know to expect expansions and sourcebooks for those hobbies.... Are these game companies really paying you that much to sell out??

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Edited By PayneKiller

It can't be DLC if it's on the disc, that doesn't make sense.

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Avatar image for shnull


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Edited By shnull

I'm not a big fan of dlc, especially the kind that the invisible 'buy-me-to-get-the-extra-achievement' label on it. The licensing is indeed mostly a rip-off, i do expect to own what i buy. Like for example i once bought the darth vader character for soulcalibur IV, because it was cool and i played a lot and had the money to spare. But now, my old xbox broke, and i got me a new account as well. It seems i can't use the darth vader dlc on my new account and i find no way to transfer the license, so far buying dlc from those guys. It also seems that i cant transfer the license for more than half of my downloadable xbla games. It's not like i'm trying to sell it to someone else second hand and even if i was, why not, i bought it, right? Laws are going the wrong way but the on-disk dlc is more like putting a sticker on the box that says 'please crack me, it's easy', not only a rip-off but plain stupid. Not going along with it, by the time ff xiii-2 dlc gets out i'll probably have sold the dvd already on ebay anyway. If enough people keep buying into that shyte, it will continue, that's all there is to it from a realistic point of view, judgment not included

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Edited By Dread318

To try and argue that this is an ethically wrong practice is ridiculous. These are BUSINESSES not CHURCHES. They want money. Get over it. They've been like this since they came around. It's not their practice to be morally North. Furthermore, who are you to say what is the "full game" or not. They spent how many hours developing this? How many men and women went into making this game from scratch? If they say the game is done - that's it. And you can deal with it. You don't read a book, say it had a crappy ending and then petition the author to change it saying that the book "wasn't finished" or that it was a "less than complete" book.

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Avatar image for SPCLong


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Edited By SPCLong

Normally I dont mind DLC on disc I just figure it's a hidden fee which sucks but whatever. When i saw that there were 12 characters on SFvT that I couldn't play with yet just cause they wanted to release them as DLC later though I was pretty pissed. Thats over 20 percent of the game locked.

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Edited By Dread318

[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]

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Edited By BlackaliciousX

@lionclaw20 I am in the same boat these days. I know I will "regret" not buying skyrim, and ME3 on launch, but I am truly waiting for all the DLC's to land then for them to release in GOTY edition :D I simply can't justify the \$100+ for all the content and the game itself. Especially when I have a decent sized back log of games already. Extra rant: capcom has already lost my trust. With all the super ultimate versions they release, I can't determine at what point I should definitively buy the game. The ironic thing is, by the time I would buy their games, they are already about to release another updated version. At this point I just tell myself to wait and see how this one pans out.

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Edited By GodGundamNT1

DLC is for those superfans who swear up and down they love the game, thats what they have been demanding and requesting so this argument falls appart because even a website like this encouraged the whole DLC stuff to get people into the interwebs and unfortunately as time goes on its just going to stay and become the standard... BTW microsoft will want you and require you to be connected to the interwebs just to use your next xbox. have fun

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Edited By lionclaw20

That is why I wait and buy the game used or at a discounted price or even the game of the year version. Then if I buy DLC it wont empty my pockets.

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Edited By hyper_trunkx

gaming is becoming so much more expensive..then again, what isnt these days. ive never cared for nor supported DLC, and i never will. i get the point behind it, i just think its kinda dumb.

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Edited By dimis_

Unfortunately, for every person with a strong opinion on this, there are two who don't really care, and three who would voice the same opinion, while waiting for their Modern Warfare, or Batman Arkham City DLC to download. I actually know such people: they hate greedy companies, except the one who made their most favourite game at the moment.

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Edited By Kravyn81

I'm glad to see more and more people waking up to this cancer. I've been preaching this since before "microtransactions" became a household name. Developers want to combat piracy so the brilliant solution they come up with is to punish legitimate buyers by extorting content. I'm finished buying games brand new; used all the way! I've bought plenty of games brand new and plenty of collector's editions to put a couple of kids through college. I'm done. I don't mind supporting a developer, but it's quite another to have that kindness taken advantage of. And to all the idiots that have nothing better to say than "get a job" or "quit complaining," screw off. This has nothing to do about having the means to buy it, it's the principle of the matter. And to those who DEFEND these actions by these companies YOU are the people to thank for the situation we all find ourselves in now. Enjoy your $5 horse armor and two maps for $15. It's not the pirates that ruined this industry, it's the morons that bought that crap and sent a clear message to the developers saying, "Please, sir, I'd like some more." Thanks for ruining the industry.

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Edited By IWAOlympus

Thanks for writing this, Brendan. People that complain about DLC being "on-the-disc" have a point, but they're arguing for completely the wrong reason. If people want to be upset that they don't feel they are getting a complete experience, then that's fine. Whether the DLC is on the disc or not should be irrelevant.

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Edited By Slimm457

Never bought DLC, never will, if a complete game costs $60, why would i pay $15, which is a quarter of the value of the TOTAL product, for 4-5 new maps/costumes/characters?

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Edited By deshazerg

I personally don't see a problem with having DLC that is provided/ included with the $60 price tag a la Cerberus Network for ME2 or the Catwoman package for Batman: AC as it incentivizes gamers to purchase a full retail copy or to purchase a DLC content pack for a used game which in the end makes sure the publisher gets paid. However, I do feel that DLC should expand a gaming experience, but not be intentionally removed from the intended experience just to get a little more money out of players. Sinclair is correct that the only way we will be able to change this is by not purchasing half complete gaming experiences. That means not getting hyped up about pre-order content and waiting and seeing if the experience is really worth the $60 price tag. I for one, have chosen to wait weeks or even months before buying some titles for this reason. That way, if I choose to purchase DLC it is a bonus and doesn't hurt because I typically spent a lot less for my copy of the game.

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"If... gamers rose as one unified front tomorrow and refused to buy any game with on-disc DLC forever more, publishers would simply leave it off the disc and force players to download it later..." --Absolutely true!

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Edited By soulreaper-4

WTF! At first I didn't like the news about 12 Street Fighter X Tekken characters but after thinking and getting the game I'm no longer that angry about it. I mean, What the heck for $59.99 you already have around 42 characters to choose from. I still haven't used 10 of them and i guess the majority of gamers end not using every single character. As for the we need to wait for the game of the year edition attitude, well that's not the case with every single game. Capcom said multiple times that there wont be another version of Street Fighter x Tekken.

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Edited By catoblepas

I agree with this article, the only gripe i still have about the on-disc dlc is that the developers are so shameless in their greed. If it's on the disc make it possible to unlock the characters with some good old hard work, and for people who dont like doing this or have too much money to throw around, they can buy the unlocks on the store. It just really sucks how they're getting away with it.

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Edited By Sgthombre

Say what you will, but Capcom and EA stepped in it when they decided to do this. Horrible, horrible decision on their parts.

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Edited By Kezzy123

I love how in one hand the producers complain about piracy and in other they strip their games of content and basically rip you off in your face. A good step in the right direction to fight piracy would be to perhaps not rip off your actual paying client base and force them to consider the alternatives?

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Avatar image for deactivated-62ef8f2b297e5


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They can put the DLC where they want, I won't be buying it.

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Edited By Kayweg

This article and the one about pre-orders pretty much wrap up all that's gone wrong with the gaming industry AND the gamers nowadays. It won't make any difference, but still it is a relief to see that there's sensible people left to point it out.

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Edited By GameboyTroy

Don't hesitate to buy this game used.

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Edited By TheLoneMortal

Nice article here, Brendan. As of late, I've adopted the habit of waiting for GOTY or Super editions of games to get a more complete package. Makes no sense getting a game upon release when a special edition containing the DLC at a more reasonable price is inevitable for most games these days.

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Edited By WllDan7

Actually with streetfighter x tekken we are letting them know. It went down to 100 on amazon's best video game sellers list a few days after it came out. I might not even be up anymore. I am not getting the game until they release the cheaper version with all the characters from the start. Which may be in the fall. And I did not buy mass effect 3 either ( because I just bought mass effect 2 a few days ago). So I am not getting nickeled and dimed no more. I am buying games after price drops. What is the point in paying extra when they are just going to keep locking key features as the this and the next gen goes on.

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Edited By mike468

@linedrive09 For games like Street Fighter it ludacris to even justify paying an additional $20-$25 for alternate costumes that ship on the disk, and that years ago where freely available in most games as in game unlockables. Not to mention that these costumes are also freely available in the arcade version of the game. Its a joke that game developers think their justified in charging for this kind of stuff.

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Edited By mickey_mickey48

I think from now no one should buy the game day one. just wait couple months and they'll release a GOTY, Complete, Special editions of it. and maybe with lower price!

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Edited By McAndrew_basic

look at twisted metal.. that game use to be about the variety and different stories...

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Edited By WCK619

[quote]Publishers bank on DLC in their business plans.[/quote] This is the big problem. Small DLC shouldn't be banked on. If

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Edited By linedrive09

I really don't get what the big deal is. These losers need to quit acting like a bunch of four year olds whose entire lives are based on pressing a few buttons and squeezing a few triggers. Who cares if some guy is playing as a bear before you can on Street Fighter X Tekken???? Wait for two more days, and then you can claw his face out all you want.

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Edited By gpm23

Personally I think it comes down to self control. Do your research and don't pre-order from companies that are shady. Practice some self restraint and wait for the special edition with all of the add on's. Play a game all the way through, and if you feel the need to keep exploring, then buy the add on. Developers put most of their love into the full product and any add on's that are worth while should be researched prior to purchase. It's easier to complain than to take responsibility for our own actions it seems. It's your money, spend it the way you want to, or don't.

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Edited By FinalDuo1886

First Kevin, and now Brendan. Nice! :D

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Edited By ClaudiusCaesar

If you don't want to pay $60 + DLCs, wait for the GotY release. If you can't wait, you have to accept to pay premium price.

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Edited By FreedomPrime

I am def gonna buy street fighter x tekken used now. No way Il pay for a game that has locked content on the disc for full retail. I have defended capcom for many years but this is the breaking point. I am done with them. I will never buy a new game from them ever again.

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Edited By vicke32

Wow, this makes sense, and it's not made to appease some other company. I'm proud gamespot. I'm proud.

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Edited By lokar82

I totally agree with this article, DLC is the enemy, the way in which it is delivered is irrelevant. I take out my rage on publishers' nickel and dime tactics by not buying DLC and waiting until a game comes down to $40 to buy it, and I don't even do that very often, usually I wait until a game comes down to $20. Idiots who pay for season DLC passes that don't even know what they are buying are ruining the industry for more sensible customers.

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Edited By Xombie_Master

My semi-rational inner voice is screaming, "told you so!" at me after reading this article. Personally I feel a bit stung, but not at Gamespot. I'm an admitted sucker for cheesy DLC and the shoddy schwag that comes in many Collector's Edition game bundles. The only way DLC shenanigans will stop is if we stop supporting them. BTW, I still buy CDs too. I eat fast food too, even though I can cook a tastier meal for less in about as much time (if you lump in driving to Taco Bell.) Lately I've been really analyzing how I spend my money and why. This article just added fuel to the fire. I guess that's kinda the intent, so kudos to the author.

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Edited By delateur

Personally, I'm tired of competing with publishers for how my money gets spent. Any more, it seems like publishers have such a disconnect from the developer and the consumer that they are actually REMOVING value by setting unreasonable deadlines and adding DLC on the first day so that you can have the "full" experience only at the cost of an extra $10+ dollars. Since consumers have money, just like publishers, why don't we just eliminate publishers altogether? Let's start having meaningful, cooperative dialogue, and work with the developers directly to produce games that have integrity, value, and are COMPLETE! Please, publishers, keep this sort of behavior up. I'll relish the day when your chickens come home to roost... Mmm.... relish...

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Avatar image for SadPSPAddict


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Edited By SadPSPAddict

People en mass aren't going to skip "good" titles just because of this!!

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Edited By endorbr

Are some of you people commenting even reading this article? Your comments make me think not. All this talk that Gamespot is kissing up to Bioware or that their supporting the idea of nickel and dime DLC... This article is promoting the opposite through the exercise of consumer purchasing power. Either you're not actually reading the article or your comprehension is off.

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Edited By VezTheNoob

Publishers pull stuff like this all the time, and then gripe becuase people buy their games used. All Capcom had to do was issue an online pass to first time buyers, and then they could get some of all of the characters for no additional cost. Thats not even my biggest complaint though. DLC aside, the online for SFxT on 360 is an atrocious joke. I can't believe they had the nerve to call it a finished product. They took our money, and so far, no news of anything being fixed for the online. (inb4getbetterinternet) My internet is the fastest available in my area.

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Edited By marlonrapalo

Goog article. I dont like what Capcom did with Street Fighter X Tekken. I will never buy this game, in the past the roster of fighting games was huge, King of Fighters 98 has a lot of characters and have the option to select others versions of them, Marvel vs Capcom was launched with a awesome roster I remember the first time that I play the game in the arcades the dificult was to find the correct team of characters to play, all the agic of fightings game has gone with this DLC on the disc.

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