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Ogre Battle On N64

Details emerge about Quest's 64-bit Ogre Battle title.


TOKYO - Quest finally released the first screen shots of Ogre Battle for N64. The game, which will be released on cartridge this fall, is being tentatively called Ogre Battle 3.

The look of the game is similar to the original Ogre Battle, only now the field map is polygonal (all the characters are sprite-based). The game's character designs are different from the previous two titles because the original designer has left the company.

Players assign each unit tasks to perform and movements. Then they move about in the field in realtime. If the unit encounters an enemy, the scene switches to battle mode, which looks very similar to the original Ogre Battle. Each character has their own abilities, and there's plenty of magic and other cool effects. The characters evolve as they become more experienced in battle. There are several new classes of skills added to the game over previous titles.

Contrary to what was previously believed, this game will be published by Quest themselves. If you remember, Shigeru Miyamoto said in a press conference "we have big titles like Ogre Battle..."Considering the fact that Quest is not the kind of company who can release a cartridge game (they are a really small firm), it is strongly believed that Nintendo is indeed involved in developing Ogre Battle 3, but doesn't want to state that officially.

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