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No Castlevania for GBC?

Konami says the Game Boy Color will be devoid of Dracula for the time being.


Although Konami has made no announcements, Nintendo Power has been speaking of a port of the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) version of Castlevania II for the Game Boy Color for the past few months. In fact, Nintendo's online site for its Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) coverage mentioned that the game was even announced by Konami at the show.

Excited by the possibility that the NES classic would be making a return, GameSpot News spoke with Konami to get the full story. Unfortunately, the company had nothing to say on the game - in fact, according to a Konami spokesperson, Castlevania for the GBC wasn't on any of the company's release lists, and certainly not announced at the show. However, the Konami spokesperson didn't discredit the rumors that the game is in development, saying that because Nintendo has close ties with Konami of Japan and Nintendo simply may have heard of it before Konami in the US.

We'll give you an update when we hear more.

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