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Nintendo Switch Breaks Huge US Sales Record

Selling like hot cakes.


Nintendo Switch has broken a huge sales record in the US. The Japanese publisher states its hybrid console has sold more units after 20 months in the region than any other current-gen system did after the same period.

Citing data from sales monitor NPD Group, Nintendo says it's sold "more than 8.7 million [Switch] units" in the US alone, as of the end of November 2018. The company also says it is "the overall top-selling US software publisher so far for 2018." These data do not include the sales figures of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, which is the fastest-selling Switch game to date--the fighting game has sold over 3 million units in the US already, according to Nintendo's own data.

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Now Playing: The Nintendo Switch And The Magic Of Portability

Elsewhere in its press release, Nintendo offered an update into US sales of its other first-party titles. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has sold over 4 million units, while Mario Kart 8 Deluxe has sold more than 5 million. Super Mario Odyssey has reached the 4.7 million sales mark. Pokemon: Let's Go Eevee and Let's Go Pikachu have sold 2 million units combined and Super Mario Party has sold 1.4 million copies so far.

Looking ahead, Nintendo has some big games coming out in 2019. The year kicks off with New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe in January, before other big titles such as Luigi's Mansion 3, Yoshi's Crafted World, and Pokemon for Switch come to the console later in the year. For more on the latter, check out everything we know about Pokemon for Switch.

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It is a done deal at this point. The Switch is taking over the world.

Nintendo has proven that the console market does not care as much about graphics as they once did. If gamers really want high-powered graphics, then they will just buy a gaming PC -- not a console.

The new niche for consoles is playing games with friends in my living room -- or on the go. Either way, you slice it, the portability of a console will trump its power -- or even its third party AAA developer lineup.

In a way, it is almost too late for Sony or Microsoft to compete in the console space. Rumor has it that Nintendo is already planning on releasing an updated version of the Switch next year. A lot of people thinking Sony is just going to release a more powerful version of the Switch -- not going to work now that the Switch has so many exclusives and so much market share in the "portable console" market.

At this point, look for all new third party games to slowly start making their way to the Switch or to become PC exclusives -- one of the two. Sony and Microsoft will be lucky to get any third party exclusive support for their consoles that are not just PC ports moving forward into 2020.

Moving forward, I see a lot of third party mobile and handheld developers putting their titles on the Switch -- maybe even exclusively. I see a lot of developers planning exclusive titles for the Switch for games they are not planning to release on the PC. I see a lot of PC developers moving older titles to the Switch. I also don't see Nintendo's first party development slowing down one jot.

My point: I think NIntendo just won the console war -- and not just for this generation either. Portability is the new niche for consoles -- and for Microsoft and Sony, it is just too little too late.

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I'm glad the Switch is doing great. I've always been a Nintendo fan. I bought one with Super Mario Odyssey. Once I finished it the console collected dust. I don't play on the go and most 3rd party games I buy on other platforms so I sold the Switch. I might buy one again if there are enough good exclusive games to justify it. I'm still partial to the Wii U myself. I have a lot of good games on the Wii U. It was very underrated. I like the eshop on Wii U. The gamepad is nice and has an actual d-pad unlike the Switch. It also plays all of my Wii games and uses its peripherals. I already have Super Smash Bros, Breath of the Wild, Mario Kart 8, Tropical Freeze so I don't want to repurchase those. I also have Super Mario Maker, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Super Mario 3d World and Starfox Zero among others. I think the Wii U will be fine for me for the foreseeable future. It's too bad more people didn't pick one up.

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Proof that power of hardware doesn't win console wars. You paying attention Phil?

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Good news. Hopefully this translates to more third-party support, exclusives are definitely welcomed. Nintendo was in some dark times with the Wii U, so glad they were able to crawl back out of it.

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@raidernat: Nintendo consoles do get 3rd party support to an extent, but it's the 1st party games that are the main drawcard. I don't expect that to change with this gen either.

If you're a multi platform developer, it takes some effort to put a modern game on a Nintendo console. They will put in the effort at least once, see that it doesn't sell close to what Nintendo games sell, and then decide it ultimately isn't worth the development costs, and just stick to last gen ports/remasters which take less effort to port over.

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@lostn: Nintendo will have a hard time surviving off of 1st party software and ports alone. They must have more support to fill the gaps. 2018 was not exactly a great year for Nintendo until Smash dug them out of a hole.

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Love my Switch, I think I play it more than my PS4 and OneX at this point. Diablo 3 on the go is a total win all day long.

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Edited By DeadPhoenix86

Still waiting for the Switch Pro. I don't feel like spending 300 bucks for an inferior system. Yes i know its a handheld. But to spend 300 for 2 games i'm interested with, is just a bit too much for me.

Has anyone seen the recent Ark Survival Evolved? My god it looks bad !!!

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Edited By Xristophoros

@DeadPhoenix86: no doubt... i think switch 2.0 announcement is about 6 months away, with a release in fall of 2019. this is the worst possible time to purchase a switch. thankfully for nintendo, the casual gamers don't read up on gaming news and have no idea what is going on around them. in 6 months time, there will be many upset switch owners (those who purchased a console this holiday at any rate). sony dealt with the same issue when it released the ps4 pro... it will take some time for gamers to get accustomed to the mini refreshes in the middle of a console cycle since it is easy to feel cheated. i expect switch 2.0 to be a relatively big upgrade in the power department -- maybe a 20% boost in performance with better build quality and more storage.

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@Xristophoros: If Nintendo is smart, the upgrade will be console only and have an option to buy just the tablet itself. I couldn’t imagine it costing any more than $200 and I’m fine with that as long as it’s a decent upgrade. 1080p and stronger performance in handheld mode, maybe 4K video streaming at least, bezel-less screen, better battery life, maybe even actual Bluetooth headphone support? Those are the only things I would care about in a 2.0 Switch.

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@Xristophoros: I doubt most people are really going to care. The PS4 Pro was only accounting for 1 in 5 PS4 sales. The One X probably a bit more, 1 in 4 or 3, given the gap between the One S and the One X but one also has to account for the bigger price gap too. Most people that don't feel the need to push graphical fidelity will go with the cheaper option. And the base models get better sale prices. Those most likely too want a Switch 2.00 will have already had a Switch for a long time and can trade up. Having gotten the difference worth out of their system.

The next generation shouldn't need a mid cycle refresh. Given that the base models coming in 2020+ should already be more than capable to handle 4k. Given how well the X has done in that department even with it's bottlenecks. It will be harder to justify the expense. What could they possibly offer as an upgrade? This gen it was going 4k and for Sony, better VR experience.

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@darkelf83: VR is irrelevant. And the X1X and PS4 Pro are actually selling pretty good these days. Of course the base machines will always sell more, because of the lower prices. But especially during the holidays, the X1X can be found as low as 380, and i've spotted PS4 Pro's as low as 300.

The next-gen consoles are at least 2 years away. And the new Xbox is confirmed to play all current X1, X360 and orginal games. Its possible that the PS5 will do the same. So i think the PS4 and X1 will continue to sell for a long time. You really think People gonna fork out 500 or possibly more for a Next-gen system?

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@Xristophoros: I expect a lot of salty Nintendo fans, when the Switch Pro is being announced :P

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Edited By KamiNoBeniMizu

@DeadPhoenix86: New Switch XL Pro Deluxe X.

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@kaminobenimizu: Sounds like a Burger to me :P

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@DeadPhoenix86: The Switch burger. The burger you can play games on, the console you can eat! Only $400!

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@DeadPhoenix86: What did you expect? It looks bad on every console, not just the Switch. That's what happens with poor optimization.

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@raidernat: Have you actually seen the Switch version?

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@DeadPhoenix86: Does it really matter. Anyone who thought that Ark on Switch was an idea (not even a good idea) was just kidding themselves. The game proved on PC that it's an unoptimized mess, let alone on consoles.

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Edited By DeadPhoenix86

@darkelf83: You clearly haven't seen the switch version :P The Graphics look worse than a PS1 and N64 game. And the game renders at 170p. While the Base PS4 and X1 at least look like a mid PS3 and X360 game. Most third Party games seems to run at a much lower resolution, compared other platforms. For a 300 asking Price, its too much !!! I can find a Base PS4 and X1 for as low as 200 bucks these. And don't say the PS4 and X1 are out longer. The Switch is simply an inferior console.

While the games make look somewhat acceptable on the handheld screen, when its connected to a TV some games look outright blurry and unpleasant to look at. So a Switch Pro Definitely needs to come soon, in order to keep up with the Third Party support. Great First Party games, but not so great for Third Party. These are my opinions. If you don't like it, that's like...your problem.

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Another Wii U they said. An underpowered block of plastic they said.

Professional analysts predicted it would fail even more than the Wii U, N64DD, and Virtual Boy combined.

Yet, here we are. Just like I predicted. People wanted a portable gaming focused device as strong as the PS3 or 360 for a very long time, so the Switch's success doesn't surprise me at all.

We just had to think about it logically instead of focusing on power alone.

The Wii interested me (and many others) because of its weird gimmick which reminded me of the NES gimmicks (Zapper, R.O.B., Power Glove).

I wasn't interested in the Wii U because I saw it as a late response (and inferior in terms of available storage) to Sony's PS3 and Microsoft's 360. And the majority of consumers had the same opinion. It brought next to nothing new besides the tablet controller. The only thing I want on it are a handful of games I hope they'll port to the Switch (Pikmin 3, Xenoblade Chronicles X, and a few others)

As for the Switch, it is the world's strongest gaming dedicated portable device (which can display on TV). So of course many want one (me included). And you know what? Nintendo rules over this market, so of course they couldn't fail with the Switch.

As long as Nintendo fulfill the wants of a relatively big consumer pool, they cannot fail (I admit the Wii's success was accidental, but hey, at least their gamble worked for it that time).

The day a Nintendo handheld doesn't sell is the day we'll have to worry about them. Besides that, they'll always land on their feet after a mistake (Virtual Boy was horrendous>N64 worked and had a lot of big games going for it despite Sony having the JRPG market, GC lagged a little>Wii, Wii U failed big time with the forced tablet controller>Switch).

It just makes me wonder what they'll come up with next. Another "hybrid", a pure handheld, or a home console? And will it have gimmicks?

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@kaminobenimizu: I would pay good money for a XCX port. That game is stuck on an unpopular and cumbersome console but the graphics were amazing and really pushed the system to its limits. I’d love to see it in native 1080p with better performance and loading times. And on the go? Sold. Too bad Monolith basically already said they aren’t gonna do it....

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Edited By Xristophoros

@kaminobenimizu: i don't think nintendo will ever make a home dedicated console again. they cannot compete in that space and they have learned their lesson. n64 was outsold by playstation by a ratio of more than 3:1... they didn't have a prayer due to so many missteps (using limited carts, carts raising the price of games by $20 min, paltry software lineup with a lack of unique genres being represented, etc.). gamecube was an outright commercial failure. i think this is clear to everyone at this point, despite some peopel claiming it to be their favourite nintendo console of all time. wii u was their worst selling home console ever, selling even worse than the vita -- that says a lot. three of their last 4 home consoles were either failures or lukewarm successes. nintendo cannot beat sony in this department -- it is as simple as that. nintnedo handhelds have always been at the top of the chain, so might as well stick with a hybrid console from here on out as it works to their strengths. it is also easier from a development point of view in having all of its 1st party studios jointly working on a single platform, rather than breaking them up for either handheld or home console. having every piece of software dedicated to a single platform makes so much sense and it is hard to see them backtracking towards their old ways.

still, despite the success of the switch, nintendo has done a very poor job with new ip. they are still banking on the same tired franchises 30 years later with little to no innovation. i mean, the only exception is splatoon. arms bombed hard. they should focus on a new single player ip to freshen up their catalogue from time to time. or are people content playing the same franchise for the next 30 years? sony does a better job at maintaining its core franchises while at the same time, developing new IPs. some hit and some missed, but this generation they put out the order, horizon, knack, last guardian, etc... they still have days gone, ghost of tsushima, dreams and death stranding to release -- all new ip. and of course they reinvented god of war and remade shadow of the colossus. nintendo needs to take some lessons from sony in finding ways to diversify its software lineup... it will only benefit them in the end.

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@Xristophoros: The Order had an unfortunate fate and ended up being hated, I hope they'll consider a sequel still. Horizon, Ghost of Tsushima, and Death Stranding are Sony IPs? Darn, that's a lot. I thought they were games by 3rd parties.

As for Nintendo, the most "static" of their franchise is Mario (and some of the spin-offs).

They tried spicing things up with Breath of the Wild; they teamed up with Tecmo Koei to release a Zelda themed Warriors game, and they created Splatoon. For their size, it's not too bad. We'll also see what they'll do with Pokémon next year.

Though I admit, they could bring to light some of their less used franchise. They did it with Kid Icarus, they can do so with F-Zero.

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@kaminobenimizu: It sucks The Order will never get a sequel. It had a ton of potential but the gameplay design was just boring, bland, and completely uninspired. And too short to have any real character progression. The graphics and story on the other hand were great. That game still looks damn good to this day even without a Pro patch. Until Uncharted 4 came out it was easily the best looking game on PS4.

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@Xristophoros: Arms bombed hard? Sales figures for July had it at a little over 2m sold. That's a pretty solid number. Btw, half those games you mentioned Sony developed is wrong. They didn't develope Horizon Zero Dawn; they published it. Big difference. The Last Guardian sold poorly, considering the budget and amount of time put in it. I highly doubt Sony made a profit from it. The Order 1886 was not very well received, so there probably won't be a sequel. Anyway, the Switch has only been on the market for 2 years, people act like Nintendo can churn out exclusive after exclusive at the drop of a hat.

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@raidernat: horizon was developed by guerrilla games -- they are a sony owned studio. that is a first party sony game. the order and death stranding are the only games i listed that are not true first party games as they were developed by a 3rd party studio. they are still console exclusives, though since they are published by sony and they count as new sony IP either way. yea, i know some of their new IP didn't do well sales wise, but at least they are trying new things, unlike nintendo.

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@Xristophoros: Had no clue Guerrilla games is owned by Sony. Even if that's true, they still only published it, but didn't have any involvement in the development process. If that's the case then I guess you could say the same thing about Xenoblade Chronicles 2, that Nintendo made it since they published it and own Monolith Soft. Or Bayonetta is owned by Nintendo because it was published by them. Point is, Sony does have a good amount of exclusives, but so does Nintendo at this time. Here are the games that are already here or haven't been released yet-- Bayonetta 3, Octopath Traveller, Ninja Box, Marvel UltImate Alliance 3, Travis Strikes Again, Daemon X Machina, Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Ninjala, Pokemon rpg, Ridge Racer 8. Admittingly, some of those may not be my cup of tea, but that is a solid list for the first 2 years. Not to mention any unannounced games we don't know about yet. I think 2019 is going to be a good year for the Switch. 2018 was somewhat underwhelming.

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@Xristophoros: Sony owned studios are not Sony made games. Sony publishes them. The only in-house studio Sony has is Studio Japan (Team ICO games, Patapon, Astro Bot, Gravity Rush, Knack)

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@Xristophoros: Nintendo reinvents their IPs though. They always change things up. Sony's first party is basically churning out TLOU themed games out.

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@xenomorphalien: 3rd person action games with realistic graphics tend to all kinda have similar asthetics (real life), just like FPSs all “look the same”. Ghost of Tsushima looks pretty incredible and very different from anything I’ve seen.

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Edited By Xristophoros

and it literally just took two new games at the end of the year to turn things around. pokemon and smash releasing in november and december gave nintendo the much needed push it needed, otherwise the rest of the year was quite underwhelming for the switch. if switch sold more unts in its first 20 months on the market than ps4 did in its first 20 months, that is quite an accomplishment no matter how you look at it. this only takes into consideration north american sales, though, so not entirely sure if this can be applied to global sales. ps4 dominates in europe as we all know, so the picture might look a little different on the whole. in either case, switch sales have slowed down considerably compared to 2017 and i don't expect the switch to be as consistent as ps4 by year 5. no console this gen will surpass 100m units other than ps4 is my prediction.

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@Xristophoros: Super Mario Party doesn’t get enough credit. It’s the best Mario Party game since the GameCube days (the MP glory days). I’ve had a blast with it when friends come over though it’s still a bit too random and needs more boards.

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They deserve it after the absolute disaster that was the Wii U.

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@soliaired50: Wii U was essentially a really drawn out Switch beta test. The whole time I had it I was thinking “why can’t the tablet just be the whole console so I can bring it with me places?” And then the Switch was revealed and I felt like it was made for me specifically.

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that great for nintendo.

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I'm really glad the Switch has been a success. Lately, Nintendo had difficulty getting third party software to sign up and I think that's proving to be successful.

I'll look forward to the next Switch with simply more power, or even some accessory add-ons that can increase the performance in handheld mode.

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The software sales are pretty nuts, honestly.

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Very glad. It's pure magic being able to play Smash on the TV, then pop the system out of its cradle and play on the go, then return and have it back on the TV in a second.

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@stage4saiyan: The Switch has revolutionized pooping for me.

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Those are some impressive numbers no doubt and I think it goes without saying that Nintendo should be commended for all the hard work they’ve put into the Switch but we will see if that translates to continued growth in the future.

I’m not sure if Nintendo will ever reach the same milestones as the original Wii but so far they are off to a great start.


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@videogameninja: >"I think it goes without saying that Nintendo should be commended for all the hard work they’ve put into the Switch"

In terms of games I agree with you, in terms of basic console functionality they are terrible.

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@129260: I feel like it’s lack of features was because it got rushed to market. Nintendo wouldn’t have lasted another year without a new console. The Wii U put them way behind and now they’re finally catching up again. They went like a whole year without a big release during the Wii U’s twilight. Fitting enough, I think Twilight Princess HD was their last big 1st party game (excluding BotW since it was also on Switch).

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