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New Shots: Black & White

We have new images of the fantastic creatures you alternately nurture or punish in Peter Molyneux's upcoming god game.


GameSpot has received ten new screenshots from Lionhead's forthcoming game Black & White. The game is much more focused on story than Peter Molyneux's classic Populous games. When we spoke to Molyneux at E3, instead using the conventional term "god game," he called Black & White simply "a roleplaying game in which you play a god."

While Black & White's gameworld is so detailed and interactive that you can derive much entertainment just from playing with your land's inhabitants and your creature, the main storyline does unfolds over five distinct chapters. The plot will involve other peoples, other more powerful gods, and tough decision making. Challenges and quests will weave the story into actual gameplay. The first challenges will start with simple tasks, such as helping your villagers construct your temple by uprooting trees and placing them near the construction site.

Lionhead recently announced that the game will be shipping November 10, instead of the previously announced September date. For more information on Black & White, you can read our previews (linked to the right) or GameSpot UK's recent coverage of the game (linked below).

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