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New PS5 PS Plus Benefit Includes A Huge Library Of The Best PS4 Games

Sony revealed a new PlayStation Plus benefit coming to the PS5, which grants its subscribers a library of the PS4's best games.


Those who buy the PS5 will receive a new benefit with their PlayStation Plus subscription. Sony revealed the Plus Collection during its recent PS5 event, a library of some of the best PS4 games that is freely available to Plus subscribers. The Plus Collection includes first-party games like God of War, Bloodborne, and Days Gone as well as third-party titles, such as Persona 5, Monster Hunter World, and Resident Evil 7.

The Plus Collection is exclusively available on the PS5. Sony announced that it's an added benefit to the PlayStation Plus service and does not cost extra.

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PS5 Plus Collection games confirmed so far

  • God of War
  • Bloodborne
  • Persona 5
  • Resident Evil 7
  • The Last of Us Remastered
  • Monster Hunter World
  • The Last Guardian
  • Detroit: Become Human
  • Batman: Arkham Knight
  • Battlefield 1
  • Mortal Kombat X
  • Days Gone
  • Final Fantasy XV
  • Fallout 4
  • Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
  • Ratchet & Clank
  • Until Dawn
  • Infamous: Second Son

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Damn, the Xbox is already dead before it even came out. Now suddenly PS+ has actually become useful and worth paying for and is even more lucrative than MS' Gamepass, which still doesn't include Xbox Live by default if I'm not mistaken. And the digital version of the console actually costs $100 less, which makes it worth considering. While having the exact same specs otherwise. Man, MS has lost for good. They won't be able to recover from that. Their crappy low budget version with much lower specs can't compete against Sony's normal model with a price difference of only $100.

I gotta say Sony has really surprised me. All that crap people have been giving them about not being as consumer friendly as MS lately. And now they actually have done some pretty nice things for their userbase. More than MS in my view as I have no desire to keep playing next gen games on a current gen console for years to come, nor to use PS4 controllers for PS5 games.

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Edited By sladakrobot

@Atzenkiller: oh boy...i knew long ago for which plattform your heart beats...dont act you was ever on the fence.

Just throw away your mask and cheer for everything Sony.

Its hilarious how you bashed me coz i praised MS for the gamepad compability and called me pretty much a company shill and look at yourself now 🤣😂🤣😂👍 cheerleader

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@sladakrobot: Hurr Durr. Let's argue about who likes which console more. Dude, do whatever the **** you want. Nobody cares and I wasn't even trying to convince anyone of anything in that post. I guess you to every post looks like that though, huh?

The Xbox really is dead though. I wouldn't have thought about buying a digital only PS5 if it was only $50 or so cheaper. But at a price of $400 it really is a steal. While MS only has a more expensive standard version. And a severaly dumbed down one for $300. The choice is obvious to me.

And from what I've heard FF16, which looks like absolute garbage to me but millions of people will buy and love it anyway. But it seems that this game will be PS5 exclusive on consoles. And if not even SE can be bothered anymore to release their biggest franchise on Xbox, then things are really looking bad for it.

But enjoy using your last gen controllers on your new Xbox I guess. At least it's still supposed to be slightly more powerful. Which seems to be the only advantage the Xbox has left now and only for those who care. I doubt there'll be a noticeable difference graphics wise between the consoles and it would take an exclusive title to really take advantage of any superior hardware. Which MS is also severaly lacking.

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Edited By sladakrobot

@Atzenkiller: I never hid the fact that i am/was this gen a Xbox only user(have all PS consoles and handhelds up to/including PS3)

But you acted the whole time as you were figuring out what to chose,heh.

FFXVI is a confirmed multiplatt game with an timed exclusivity for PS5 but i dont know why you even brought that game up?!

Xbox is dead?
Should i cater to your opinion or,as example,to what a Take Two CEO says how Xbox will do very well next gen?
Should i believe you,a random ps fan,or a person who earns his money with making video games?

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@sladakrobot: You're just making stuff up. I've never even considered getting an Xbox as there was never anything whatsoever that MS had to offer that was of interest to me. A large portion of all Japanese titles not being released for it is already a gamebreaker. And aside from any obvious disadvantages I can see zero advantages or reasons for owning an Xbox if you already have a PS5. So there was never anything ot think about for me.

But I'm also not a moron who takes sides in a console war or whatever like a little kid. The PS5 has clearly been the superior offer to me from the start and that's all it's about. It was pretty clear that MS would stand no chance as there wasn't just much they could have done to turn things around. But I sure didn't expect that the gap between them would widen that much further. Like I care about who wins. But go ahead and post some stuff up on your social media accounts to let everyone know which side you like more.

And I didn't hear about the timed exclusivity part, only that it was a a PS5 exlusive on consoles. So I guess I could blame whatever gaming site I got the news from for spreading false information. Still either way, things are looking pretty bleak for the Xbox. Not that it could dissuade a fanboy from changing his opinion, right?

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@Atzenkiller: Are you calling the Take Two CEO a fanboy,wow

And i dont blame you personaly for not knowing about the FF16 facts,Sony like to missinform their fans on the stage and revert/correct plenty of things after the show.
Especially when Sony say PS4 or PS5 exclusive(but purposely stay silent about that timed exclusive part).
But still strange to me you brought that game up(or any in this case) since it didnt had anything to do with what i said.

I never called you a moron for choosing a side(which you already did long ago).
Thats your right as a gamer and consumer,afterall its your money you spend.
But you calling out ppl for the same things you do is pretty much a double standard

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@Atzenkiller: You think because Sony has finally detailed that some games out of their massive game library will be backwards compatible with PS5, that suddenly they're just as consumer friendly as Xbox...are they offering something like Game Pass(PS plus isn't even close), offering Xcloud etc..those few backwards compatible games are they going to be enhanced or anything?

The $399 is still $100 more than the Xbox digital. If I was on the Sony side why would I care to get the $399 digital when for just a hundred more I can buy the disc version. I think it's sad that no disc drive costs $100. All I know is for $499 I can get the more powerful and better looking of the two..which would be Xbox. Why would I want to pay $499 for a PS5 vs the console with the better specs etc. As of now, Sony has done nothing to convince me otherwise. Today's event was disappointing..the fact Spider-Man will also be on current gen I found amusing considering how many Sony and Pc fans like to say "any game coming out for next gen will be held back if its also on current gen...I guess Spider-Man will suffer that fate too, unless Sony fans etc are just a bunch of hypocrites. I guess all those games coming out for PS5 that'll be on PC aren't exculsives too right, going by PC players standards.

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@bababooey12: Did you completely miss the fact that the $300 Xbox is basically a last gen console with only the CPU being the same as in the normal console? Why would anyone choose a much weaker console for only $100 less? Well, it's your choice of course and if you love that Gamepass that much, then go for it. Though the way it looks the Gamepass' value will only keep diminishing as now even SE can't be bothered to release the next FF game on XBox. While MS has pretty much no exclusives aside from Halo and Gears, which most people probably couldn't care less about. So yeah, enjoy all those multiplat games that the Xbox will still mostly get. Aside from many or most of the Japanese ones cause it seems like Japanese developers are really going to abandon the Xbox now. More so than they already have so far.

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Edited By bababooey12

@Atzenkiller: lol I guess you missed the fact that the $300 is better than the xbox One X short of 4K, still has better architecture, SSD, CPU...will still be able to support 120FPS, load faster etc. I would say for $300 it still makes it way better than current gen...I will be getting a Xbox Series X so doesn't really matter much to me as I would like to take advantage of the 4K etc.

FF is lame. Same old hack and slash repetitive style of game a tv show that has run its course, having been on for one too many seasons. Also, its a timed release...if you could read and pay attention to detail you would've noticed that at the end of the any rate not missing out on anything.

A lot of exculsives on the Xbox, your Halo comment would be like me saying all Sony has is God Of War, Uncharted, Spider-Man and Horizon....which I would gladly take Halo and Gears over all 4 of those, even if its just for the replay value alone. I find I get more joy out of games that also have multiplayer component. I tend to put way more hours into them. Not that it really matters because only one of those will have a new title at might see the other titles in 2021..

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@bababooey12: Yeah, we'll see how games actually will run and look on the low budget version compared to the proper console. The way MS made it sound it's a serious step down performance wise. And it has to be if it costs $200 less.

But yeah, keep listening to all that PR talk about the new consoles "supporting" things like 8K and 120fps. No real game will ever achieve those numbers so it doesn't mean much that it could potentially. From what I remember Sony used to talk about how even the PS2 back in the day was supposed to support higher resolutions. Ever seen a PS2 game run at anything but standard SDTV resolutions though?

But I'd find it hard to believe that even a game that can run at 4K and 120fps on the Main Xbox would be able to do do the same or anything close to it on the cheap one. But we'll see. If the hardware was not that much weaker it wouldn't be almost half as expensive. And I really don't see why anyone would choose to sacrifice the performance when they could get the real deal for only $100 more. MS had a real advantage in the low budget sector with the $300 model. But that advantage has evaporated now that Sony has announced the digital version of its console for only $400.

Also nice joke comparing the Xbox exclusives with those on the PS consoles. So many Japanese games are exclusive to them simply because many Japanese devs don't consider it worthwhile to release them for the Xbox. As literally no one is buying it in Japan.

But if there's "a lot of exclusives", then how come you still didn't mention any others besides Halo and Gears? I can think of Forza. But Sony has always had the GT series so they're even there. But what else is there? I know there's nothing that interests me but I still can't even think of any other exclusive titles, or any that would be worth mentioning. I know that MS had for example Platinum Games develop an exclusive for them but they stomped it some time ago. So yeah, where are those "lots of Xbox exclusives" you were referring to?

Also I don't really care about those generic PS4 exclusives you mentioned either. But there's so many more that just don't get released on Xbox because the publisher doesn't care to do so. It's not even a matter of Sony paying them for exclusivity. Just a matter of having a console that is actually successful in Japan so it's worth releasing games for it for Japanese developers.

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Edited By bababooey12

@Atzenkiller: Well for one no one said anything about 8K...of course right now 8K won't be achieved...majority of tvs don't even support them...the ones that do cost as much as a car lol. As for the lower console it was never mentioned that it'll support're putting words in people's mouth as well as Xbox...go to their website and you can see the lower console resolution is 1440...not 4K. The lower console isn't expected to hit 4K or be like the $200 extra one that is why its cheaper lol...however its suppose to be better than this current gen meaning the Xbox One X. The lower console is geared towards an audience that doesn't care about 4K...but still want the advantages of a faster console, better FPS etc....pretty sure I've sajd that already. So again 4K on the lower console no, but 120FPS sure why couldn't it...still has the same CPU chip as the higher spec one etc.

Lol the cheaper version is again because of the lack of a drive and the 4K the lower Tflops...that's it. Microsoft feels that's a $200 less value..certainly better than Sony who thinks a drive is worth $100...

As for exclusives, FF, Metal Gear Solid, Kingdom hearts etc were all at one time, exculsive to PS...I remember how Metal Gear Solid use to be the face of can sit there and say what you want about Sony's exclusives list...but the majority of them are Mediocre at best and I prefer a few good quality games over 400 plus subpar games...I could give you a list of exclusives for the xbox this gen, but you can also google it if you're capable... the ones I've played recently..SOT, Grounded, State Of Decay, Battletoads, Cuphead, Ori, Halo, Gears, Ashen, Forza, Quantum list goes on..certainly more noteworthy then the same 4 on Sony that everyone talks about...Spider-Man, Uncharted series, God Of War and Horizon..that's all you really hear from Sony me there's more variety on Xbox.

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@bababooey12: What, you mean it's okay to mention 120fps but not 4K? As if the low budget Xbox could ever achieve anything close to either of those nunbers. I kinda doubt it could do that even for some crappy indie titles and it probably won't be able to run last gen games at 1080p and 120fps either. So those numbers are meaningless. That's what I was saying. They're theoretical numbers. "This low budget console supports the same stuff as the real one." But due to the much weaker hardware that support is useless. I don't see how a $300 console could run games at much higher settings than any current gen ones. The upgraded Xbone still costs $500 currently and it can't handle real 4K for any real games as far as I'm aware. Nor could it ever run proper game at 120fps.

And people seem to ignore the fact that, as is the case with every new gen graphics overall will improve. It's not just the resolution that goes up and potentially the framerate. The low budget version won't be able to run games with the same graphics settings at 1440p and 60fps. How could it? They will have to reduce some of the graphics to make it run decently there. And so you'll basically get a second upgrade to the Xbone. That's what this thing looks like to me at least. Though even the upgraded Xbone that is currently out there was aimed at running at least some games at 4K. So does that this new low budget version is even weaker? It should be just based on the price.

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@Atzenkiller: I'd hardly say Xbox is already dead. This little collection is still a pitiful value compared to packaging ALL of PSN's services into a single subscription, which is what XBL Ultimate will (supposedly) eventually offer.

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@Barighm: Of course it's very small right now and I was mainly talking about the potential that I see in this as Sony will surely build up the library over time. They wouldn't have introduced this in the first place if they didn't plant to do so. And it probably will be restricted to PS4 games only for the foreseeable future, so obviously it's not the same as MS' Gamepass.

But this addition comes at no extra cost. How much is that XBL Ultimate or whatever you were talking about gonna cost? This comes with the basic PS+ subscription at the same price they've been charging for it for some time. As I understand it Xbox owners will still have to pay for Xbox Live if they want to play games online. And not everyone's interested in the Gamepass and wants to pay for that as well. And MS removed the ability to pay for XBL for a year in advance, right? Making it more expensive as a result to push its Gamepass. Not quite the same thing as what's Sony is doing here. This PS+ collection is just an added bonus to what the basic subscription already included, nothing more.

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Edited By FireDrakeZ

@Atzenkiller: It is not even comparable. Gamepass Ultimate comes with 5 subscriptions and 3(4 if you include XCloud) separate game libraries: Gamepass for PC, Gamepass for Xbox, XBL with Gold(offers 4 bonus games a month 2 of which you get to keep permanently even if you cancel your sub), EA play and XCloud.

It will also allow you to play your games not only on your console but also on PCs, phones, laptops, and tablets.

I actually prefer PSNow(to which I am subscribed to for a year) to PS+, since I already have or was able to play many of those games from that list on the PSNow service, along with dozens of other PS exclusives from the PS2, PS3 and PS4 generation much more than is being offered in that collection.

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@firedrakez: Don't you have to pay separately to be able to play games on PC or on Xbox with the Gamepass? Last I checked I think that was the case. Unless you were talking about playing games on multiple devices at the same time, using the same save. Which I see no point in whatsoever. I have a console that I always prefer to play any games on. I don't jump back and forth between PC and consoles and would never play anything on a mobile phone anyway.

And my positive views on that Collection they added to PS+ are mainly about what it can become, not based on what it's going to be at launch. Of course there's only going to be a few titles available at launch and those are all PS4 games. But who knows how it will turn out? Maybe Sony will start to add a new title to that list every month, similar to how it already is with those "free" PS+ games. Eh, we'll see. So far PS+ has just been nothing but a ripoff as it was mandatory for online play and those free games were mostly garbage or very hit and miss. If they add a bunch of actually good games that are always available to anyone at any time, then that automatically raises the value of it by a lot in my eyes. But like I said it remains to be seen what Sony makes out of it. It's just not a move I would have expected from them as they seemed like they just wanted to rest on their laurels and would see no reason to do anything pro consumer unless they were forced to.

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@Atzenkiller: With Gamepass Ultimate you don't need to pay separately for Gamepass for PC and Gamepass for Xbox One. Both are included along with XBL Gold, EA Play, and XCloud. It is just great value.

The 2 Gamepass libraries are somewhat different with the PC version having PC exclusives you can't play on console while the Xbox One version have console exclusives as well as third party AAA premium games not available in the PC version.

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@firedrakez: And what if I don't want to pay for all of that crap combined but only for one of those services? Yeah, I can see why it's so easy for companies to bundle up all of their services when guys like you consider it a great thing. "Just look at the overall value." That value is zero to me if I'm only interested in one service but have to pay for a whole bunch of others. Amazon Prime is a joke like that. It used to offer premium shipping and some lower prices on some products. But now you get to pay extra for their movie streaming and whatever other crap they've added to it. Isn't that great? So much value and you have to pay for it, whether you care for it or not.

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@Atzenkiller: okay... you have to pay $60 a year for Xbox live in order to participate in online multiplayer games. Now, you would pay $15 a month for Gamepass, but that also includes Xbox live for the $120 for gamepass a year $60 for Xbox live for a total of $180.

When you own an Xbox play anywhere game you own it on both Xbox and Pc at no additional can also pick up where you left off of on another Xbox or Pc...saved games, achievements will all be there.

You get Xcloud as well and can play on your mobile or tablet..also Xbox Gamepass members will have access to EA Play at no additional cost, later this year. The gamepass library has over a hundred titles already in it...and all first party studio games going forward are supposed to be on Gamepass day 1...

I've had gamepass since the beginning of the that time I've seen GT5, RDR2, State Of Decay 2, No Man's Sky, Outer World's, Fallout and SOT..just to name some of the bigger titles in there...for months. Plenty of time to beat the game, then if you like the game you'll get like 20% off to purchase it...I believe Wasteland 3 is in there haven't checked ina while..that game just came out at the end of August so still new.

Then you add in 2-4 free games a month for being a member plus tons of other perks.

At the end of the day though PS+ is nothing compared to Gamepass and has a long way to go to catch up, the cheaper console too is worth it when paired with this service, which is what Microsoft is banking on...subscription services and not caring if you play on a PC or console...just that you play on their console or essentially their PC lol as they do in a round about way own the PC world....Microsoft makes money regardless and Sony can't compete with matter how many Horizons, FF or Spider-Man they put out.

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Edited By lostn

@firedrakez: Game Pass is extra. The Xbox equivalent would be Games With Gold.

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@lostn: Hmm it's $15 a month, which also included Xbox live gold($60 value), so really you're paying $10 a month for gamepass, $5 for gold and then get XCloud etc. You'd pay more for hulu, Netflix and Disney plus lol.

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@lostn: To be fair for that extra price you get a lot more than 18 old games. It is cool that Sony is doing this but Game Pass is still more than worth the price.

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Edited By FireDrakeZ

@lostn: Why would you get 1 subscription Games with Gold that cost $10/month when you can get Gamepass Ultimate that has 5 subscriptions including Games with Gold for just $5 more a month.

There is a reason why Gamepass Ultimate is so popular. It just provides so much value. Every other gaming sub pales in comparison with it.

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@firedrakez: Well, no, it's good value, but the MS Store does have its issues. Game Pass games have an issue when running outside windowed mode, the MS store requires manual updates (with automatic updates disabled, but I don't see why the games themselves shouldn't be able to update. All of my other games do), and way too many newer games released on Game Pass in the last little while has required registry access even for the singleplayer games.

It's good value, but in a "sell your soul" kind of way. Once the price increases, it's not much better than, say, Origin.

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@Barighm: The value of Xbox and Gamepass just keeps getting better now that Zenimax and Bethesda is part of Xbox Gaming Studios.

I don't think you should feel like you are "selling your soul" if you want to play Microsoft exclusives.

I certainly don't feel like that when I play Playstation first party games on my PC via PSNow. All I am thinking about is the fun I am having playing games like God of War or Uncharted.

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@Barighm: Sounds like a PC problem...don't have to deal with registry issues on console..but you know PC is just sooo much better lol. Lol complaining about updating now too aye..nitpicking are we.

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@firedrakez: Yep, love it..only regret is I didn't sign up sooner lol.

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Hey actually a game that I am interested in on that list that I do not own. Persona 5. Lot of games there be an incentive to a new ps plus member though.

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Edited By videogameninja

Smart move.

Having something akin to Microsoft's Gamepass is a great way to get people who are perhaps not as "die hard" as us (people on sites like these.) an alternative to how they experience gaming.

With the whole world in such a crazy state right now (people having lost their jobs.) a service like this may very well take off. I know that Microsoft has definitely reaped some of the benefits of that with Gamepass over the last few months and frankly I always thought Gamepass was a great idea.

It will be interesting to see just what this service offers when more details come out but if it is anything like what many of us are already thinking it could be lessen the gap between the 2 competitors going into next gen.


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Edited By CashPrizes

I already own 13 of those 18 games.

I bought new Last of Us Remastered, Fallout 4, Bloodborne, Uncharted 4, and Persona 5. If I had never bought Last of Us or Bloodborne or Uncharted 4, they have all been given away under PS Plus since their respective releases.

The other 11 I already got for free through PS Plus or Epic Game Store or bought at very low prices (RE7 for $20, God of War for $20, Monster Hunter World for $20, FFXV for $30).

For casuals this is an amazing value. Doesn't do anything for me.

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@CashPrizes: it's aimed at PS5 owners. Some of which will be those jumping over and skipped the PS4.

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I'm in roughly the same boat as you. Any of the games in there that I'm interested in I already own.

That being said, I don't think we're the target of that particular offer. It's an incentive for those who went Xbox One this last generation to switch over since it's basically nearly all of the best PS4 exclusives for people who haven't already played them this current generation and all free if they switch from Xbox Live to PS+.

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