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New Evil Dead Rise Trailer Shows A Bloody, Terrifying Family Drama

The long-awaited sequel will hit theaters on April 21.


Warner Bros. has released the first red-band trailer for Evil Dead Rise, the fifth installment in the franchise. The film is set to open in theaters on April 21.

A synopsis reads: "In Evil Dead Rise, a road-weary Beth pays an overdue visit to her older sister Ellie, who is raising three kids on her own in a cramped L.A apartment. The sisters' reunion is cut short by the discovery of a mysterious book deep in the bowels of Ellie's building, giving rise to flesh-possessing demons, and thrusting Beth into a primal battle for survival as she is faced with the most nightmarish version of motherhood imaginable." Note that this being a red-band trailer is not just marketing--as writer-director Lee Cronin said back last year when production wrapped in October 2021, there is roughly 6,500 liters of blood in the film.

The movie is executive produced by series creator and horror icon Sam Raimi, plus Bruce Campbell--who appeared in every installment of the original trilogy--joins him as producer. In hyping up the trailer, Campbell said in a video released on Twitter that "even though I'm not in this film, as a producer, I'm all over this movie like a cheap suit. I guess you could say I have a hand in it."

Evil Dead Rise has endured a drawn out production process because of the pandemic. It was originally announced as in development back in 2013, and after many years and twists and turns--and lots of rumors--the film will hit theaters this spring.

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