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Netflix's Survival Thriller Oxygen From Crawl Director Gets First Trailer

Alexandre Aja directs Mélanie Laurent in the upcoming Oxygen, which releases in May.


The first trailer for the upcoming Netflix thriller Oxygen has been released. The movie is directed Crawl's Alexandre Aja, and it releases on May 12.

The French-language film stars Mélanie Laurent (Inglourious Basterds) as a woman who wakes up strapped into a high tech medical pod that's measuring her body's functions. She has no idea why she's there--or indeed who she is--but a voice tells her "they don't want you to recover your memory." Aja has described the movie as a mix of Buried, in which Ryan Reynolds spends the entire movie trapped in a coffin, and 28 Days later--which sounds like a great combination to us. Check the trailer out below:

Oxygen is written by Christie LeBlanc, and the script previously appeared on the 2016 Black List, the annual list of the best unproduced screenplays doing the rounds in Hollywood. In 2017, Anne Hathaway was attached to the project, but the movie didn't reach the production stage back then.

As well as Crawl, Aja is known for horror movies such as The Hills Have Eyes, Piranha 3D, and High Tension. In a recent interview with Collider, the director spoke about what drew him to Oxygen. "It captured such an intense experience of survival so well," he said. "The story is a mystery box built like a labyrinth from which you have to escape. The movie [also] looked oddly reflective of what we went through during lockdown. Of the need to breathe, to escape."

For more, check out GameSpot's guide to the biggest upcoming movies of 2021.

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