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Netflix Is Making A Social Distancing Show That Sounds Way Too Real

The creator of Weeds and Orange is the New Black is working on the show for Netflix.


Streaming giant Netflix has picked up a new TV show that reflects the quarantine lives we're all living these days. The show is called "Social Distance," and it comes from Weeds and Orange is the New Back creator Jenji Kohan.

Deadline reports that the show will be produced virtually, with actors filming themselves from home. Director Diego Velasco (Orange is the New Black) directed the cast via a remote video feed. Additionally, the writers conducted their work virtually.

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"Our job as storytellers is to reflect reality, and in this new, bizarre, bewildering reality we are all experiencing, we feel passionate about finding connection as we all remain at a distance,” the producers said to Deadline. "We've been inspired to create an anthology series that tells stories about the current moment we are living through--the unique, personal, deeply human stories that illustrate how we are living apart, together."

Social Distance will tell stories that reflect the "broad spectrum" of experiences that people are living through. "Some seismic and some mundane, we hope to capture a moment in time. And we hope that Social Distance will help people feel closer to one another," the producers said.

Social Distance is not the only new TV show being produced virtually. NBC filmed a reunion episode of Parks and Recreation virtually, and it's set to premiere on April 30. Additionally, the producers of The Office (US) are thinking about making a show that's basically The Office if everyone worked from home.

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