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N64 Zelda, At What Price?

This 256-meg game is a monster of a cartridge, but won't be carrying a monster-size price tag.


When we first heard that Nintendo was making Zelda 64 a 256-megabit game (double the size of the largest N64 games now available), the first question that came to mind was, "How much is it going to be?" That question seems to have been answered - although nothing will be official until the game is closer to being released in Japan - through an interview with NCL publicist Yoshio Hongo in the Japanese magazine The 64 Dream.

In the interview, Hongo-san says that Nintendo wants to try to release the game at around a 7800 yen (US$80) price point - although it won't know for sure until the game is close to completion.

GS News contacted Nintendo of America today, who said that no price has been specified for the US or Japanese releases yet. Obviously, the game will be priced competitively with what is available for the N64 now.

In the same interview, he says that Nintendo may change the name of Zelda 64, and drop the 64 suffix that has attached itself to just about every N64 title thus far. It's likely that it will add a subtitle to the game's final name. Also, Nintendo is working quickly on the game, but there's still a chance that it won't be released in Japan this year. That news will likely come closer to Nintendo's Space World (Shoshinkai) show in November.

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