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N64 Gets Blizzard's Starcraft

Nintendo acquires the exclusive console rights to Blizzard Entertainment's strategy game Starcraft.


Nintendo of America announced Tuesday that it has signed an agreement with Blizzard Entertainment for the exclusive console rights to Starcraft, its mega-popular PC strategy game. The game will be co-branded by Nintendo and Blizzard (a rarity, which Blizzard is understandably excited about) for release next year. The game will not be shown at E3 as the N64 version is still early in development.

Nintendo of America chairman Howard Lincoln said that one reason Nintendo is excited about bringing the game to the N64 is that it will strengthen the N64's appeal with the 18+ audience.

The game will feature 30 missions in a race for domination of the universe between the Terrans, Protoss, and Zerg species. The N64 version will feature new levels, new modes of play, and the introduction of new troops in battle.

If you're unfamiliar with Starcraft, check out GameSpot's review of the PC version.

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