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More on Infogrames/Hudson Deal

Infogrames releases further information on its joint venture with Hudson Soft.


Infogrames Entertainment SA has officially announced its joint venture with Japanese video games firm Hudson Soft. The new organization is based in Tokyo and is named Infogrames Hudson K.K. As reported previously, the company was formed with a 70 percent contribution from Infogrames and a 30 percent contribution from Hudson. It was capitalized at 66 million yen.

Tadahiro Nakano, the general manager of Hudson Soft, will head the newly formed company. He will lead an initial development team of ten people in producing games on next-generation platforms such as the Sony PlayStation 2, the Nintendo GameCube, and the Nintendo Game Boy Advance.

The company plans to release three games by the summer of 2001, and Infogrames will handle the distribution of those games in territories other than Japan. According to Infogrames, the agreement is part of its global strategy to strengthen its presence in the Japanese market.

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