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MLG announces Super Smash Brothers Melee marathon this upcoming Saturday

The marathon will include a showing of 'The Smash Brothers', as well as several showmatches.


This article was originally published on GameSpot's sister site, which was dedicated to esports coverage.

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After the release of Travis Beauchamp's 'The Smash Brothers', the 5½ hour beast of a documentary earlier this year as well as the game's presence at EVO 2013 the interest in the now decade-old Super Smash Brothers franchise and it's competitive scene has experienced an incredible surge in interest. One of the many who have paid close attention to this development is MLG, who hosted several circuits with the game and who ushered it's competitive side to a new level before they withdrew their support for the title in 2007.

Earlier this month, the main Smash community site SmashBoards received some amazing news; MLG are considering to feature Super Smash Bros Melee on their 2014 circuit. To what extent the title will be represented, only MLG knows, but today Adam Apicella annouced that MLG will broadcast a Smash marathon this upcoming Saturday.

During the marathon 'The Smash Brothers' will be aired as well as showmatches and live interviews. The players who will be attending are still not known, but with MLG showing an increasing amount of support for the game makes it appear that 2014 will be shaping up to be a massive year for the SSBM community.

Image Source: Major League Gaming,

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