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Minecraft Dungeons Closed Beta Sign-Ups Are Now Open

Delve into dungeons full of right angles.


Minecraft Dungeons takes the cute blocky aesthetic of the building game and makes a loot-driven dungeon crawler out of it. The game is set to launch next spring, but in the meantime, you can sign up to take part in a closed beta.

The sign-up form states you must be 18 years old and have a free Microsoft account. It doesn't give any specifics about when the closed beta would begin, but with launch coming within the next half-year or so you probably won't have to wait too long.

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Now Playing: Minecraft Dungeons Pushes Combat To The Forefront | E3 2019

Mojang announced the closed beta at MineCon, as well as debuting a story trailer for the game. Like all great epic quests, this is a story driven by its villain, so that's what this trailer focuses on. An outcast Illager travels the world, rejected by society, until he stumbles upon a square-shaped artifact of great power and then he grows corrupt and mad with power. You know, that old story.

This is the first we've seen of Minecraft Dungeons since Microsoft announced it at E3. That brief look showed a glimpse at how equipment and food will work, and teased 4-player online co-op.

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