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Microsoft's E3 Lineup

Microsoft attacks E3 with 17 games and three new peripherals.


Microsoft announced its game lineup for this week's E3. The company has expanded its showing in almost every gaming genre, from real-time strategy and massively multiplayer RPGs, to space combat, sports, and flight sims.

"One of our primary goals is to increase the number of computer gamers by turning new audiences on to the fun of PC games,'' said Ed Fries, general manager of the Games Group at Microsoft. "We've worked with some of the world's best developers to create a portfolio of first-rate titles that will appeal to all kinds of gamers.''

Here's a complete list of titles:

- Age of Empires: The Age of Kings- Flight Simulator 2000- Flight Simulator 2000 Professional Edition- Starlancer- Asheron's Call- Links LS 2000- NFL Fever 2000- Conquest: Frontier Wars- Loose Cannon- Midtown Madness- Allegiance- Fighter Ace II- Pandora's Box- Links Extreme- NBA Inside Drive 2000- Baseball 2000- International Football 2000

Of note in the listing are online games like Asheron's Call, Allegiance, Fighter Ace II, Digital Anvil's Starlancer, Conquest: Frontier Wars, and Loose Cannon. For sports, Microsoft adds Access Software's Links LS 2000 along with other sporting games including NFL Fever 2000 and NBA Inside Drive. For gamers outside the US, Microsoft will show off International Soccer 2000 designed by Rage Software. To show off NFL Fever 2000, Microsoft will have Mark Brunell, quarterback from the Jacksonville Jaguars signing autographs and playing one-on-one games with attendees on Friday, May 14 from 11am to 1pm.

Digital Anvil's Chris Roberts, best known as the creator of the Wing Commander series, will be on hand in the Microsoft booth to talk about his upcoming games, Starlancer and Conquest: Frontier Wars. Ensemble Studios' Bruce Shelley will be in the booth on Thursday May 12 from 12 to 1pm signing special edition Age of Empires II posters.

Microsoft will also be showing off its latest peripherals, including the SideWinder Dual Strike, SideWinder Game Pad Pro, and the IntelliMouse Explorer.

Microsoft will be located in the South Hall at booth #846.

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