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Microsoft Employees Are About To Lose Their Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Subscriptions

Xbox boss Phil Spencer wasn't aware of the changes and is now looking into it.


Microsoft is getting ready to remove its free Xbox Game Pass Ultimate subscriptions for roughly 238,000 employees. Those who aren't directly a part of the Xbox division will no longer be receiving the subscription for free.

According to The Verge, Microsoft began informing employees of the new policy this week. Those who are affected by this will be able to purchase a 12-month subscription at a discounted price. In light of the recent news, some employees voiced their opinions internally. This got the attention of Xbox boss Phil Spencer, who revealed that he was not aware of such changes. Spencer is now looking into it.

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Updated 11/3, 4:50 PM PT: Microsoft has since announced its employees will not be losing their Game Pass subscription. According to The Verge, Spencer apologized for the confusion and stated that no changes would be made to employee's Game Pass availability.

In other Microsoft news, the company recently announced that it'll be raising the prices for Xbox Game Pass and Game Pass Ultimate. In the United States, Game Pass will increase by $1 to $11 per month, and Game Pass Ultimate will increase by $2 to $17 per month.

For more Xbox-related news, check out our story about Xbox blocking unauthorized third-party accessories and controllers and our story detailing what Xbox could do with Activision after officially owning it.

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