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MGM Interactive's E3 Lineup

MGM Interactive will be showing off four new titles at E3. Here's the latest.


MGM Interactive will be showing off four new titles at E3 in Atlanta next week for both the PC and Sony PlayStation.

"MGM Interactive's growing emergence as a force in the gaming industry will be illustrated by this year's E3 lineup," predicts David Bishop, president, MGM Home Entertainment. "We feel gamers will be impressed by the breadth, excitement, and innovation displayed by this year's product roster. Working with some of the industry's most gifted developers and savvy in-house producers, we've prepared a stellar product lineup."

For the PC, MGM Interactive will preview Return Fire II. The new sequel to the classic 3DO console game will feature 16-player network support (four on each screen), 3D accelerator and force feedback support, with 50 3D-rendered maps. Return Fire II is being developed by the original Return Fire creators at Silent Software/Prolific Publishing.

Another MGM Interactive PC offering will be WarGames, a real-time strategy game based on the movie of the same name, with 30 campaign-based missions, and will ship soon after E3.

On a similar note, the PlayStation version of WarGames, called WarGames: Defcon 1, will take on a more action-oriented tone, with 32 different air, sea, and ground vehicles with split-screen mode for head-to-head competition. It will ship at the same time as the PC version.

Two other PlayStation-unique games fill up MGM Interactive's roster: Tomorrow Never Dies and Tiny Tank: Up Your Arsenal.

Tomorrow Never Dies is based on the James Bond movie of the same name, but will bear little resemblance to the movie. A 3D action-adventure, the Tomorrow Never Dies game involves preventing the brother of the deceased Elliott Carver from the movie, Elijah Carver, from destroying the world. Unfortunately the game will not be available until 1999.

Tiny Tank: Up Your Arsenal, on the other hand, is about a "badass fighting machine with a killer instinct", according to MGM Interactive propaganda, and is being developed by AndNow, which is headed by the creator of Ecco the Dolphin, Ed Annunziata. Battle dozens of militant robots across 12 animated worlds with hundreds of weapons and Tiny Tank's own rapier wit.

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