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Metrowerks Releases PlayStation Tools

Yaroze users and developers should take notice of Metrowerks' CodeWarrior for the PlayStation Release 3.


This week, Metrowerks announced that it will be shipping Release 3 of its CodeWarrior software for Mac and Windows 95 in October. The new release includes declaration specifiers, allowing a programmer to specify in which data section of the object code to store variables and objects; overlay support; and an ASMPSX-compatible assembler to provide easy migration of assembly files from PSY Q development systems.

The standard version of CodeWarrior Release 3 will be priced at US$899 and includes one free update and tech support for a year.

A special version is also scheduled to be released for Net Yaroze users. Specifically designed for hobbyist developers, the PlayStation package will be available for $299, and is also shipping in October.

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