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Meet Capcom's Yoshinori Ono in Singapore

Talk to the Capcom producer in person while also checking out the latest version of Street Fighter X Tekken this February.

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The month of Street Fighter X Tekken's release draws near. Therefore, GameSpot Asia and Sony Computer Entertainment Hong Kong are teaming up to give you readers in Asia a chance not only to get a sneak peek at the upcoming game, but also to meet the game's producer, Yoshinori Ono, this February.

To recap, Street Fighter X Tekken pits Capcom's finest fighters against Namco Bandai's iron fist legion in 2D fighting game glory. The game has a two-player tag system featuring cross art combos that chain together a team's super combo move into one fancy attack, and a gem system that gives temporary effects and buffs in battle.

The details of the Singapore event are as follows:

Date: February 10
Venue: Singapore Flyer, Singapore
Time: 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Since the Singapore Flyer is a giant Ferris wheel which can house a lot of people per carriage, we are having the PlayStation 3 version of the game running within the carriage with Yoshinori Ono along for the ride. We are accepting a maximum of 30 participants--15 people per round on the carriage for 30 minutes. We also suggest that you be at the Singapore Flyer area 10 minutes before the event starting time. The first 30 people to sign up will be eligible for this event, so do hurry and register at this link here.

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