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Peanuts Holiday Specials No Longer Apple TV+ Exclusive

ABC will be, as is tradition, broadcasting Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving and Christmas adventures.


For many families in the US, it simply just isn't the holidays without the animated Peanuts cartoons playing on TV during Thanksgiving and Christmas--even if it's just in the background while you bliss out on tryptophan. So, fans were understandably upset when Apple TV+ recently announced it had secured the rights for Charlie Brown's original animated outings, which are renowned for being alternately touching and poignant.

Essentially, the deal meant that anyone who didn't have Apple TV+ would have to go without Charlie Brown this holiday season. Well, no longer: Another deal has been reached that would allow ABC to reclaim traditional TV broadcast rights for special airings of A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving and A Charlie Brown Christmas in the coming weeks, according to Deadline.

However, wrapped up in all this friction is another reason to be thankful for Charlie Brown: Apple TV+ reached a deal for the property so it could bring about new original series and specials exploring the iconic universe and its many popular characters. WildBrain, the animation studio now behind Peanuts, is reportedly working on a second season of Snoopy in Space, and new holiday specials celebrating Mother's Day, Earth Day, and New Year's Eve. A 70th anniversary documentary film is also in the works.

If you're planning your holiday viewing out in advance, our roundup of upcoming November Netflix releases and Christmas movies is worth a gander.

David Wolinsky on Google+

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