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Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Patch Addresses Sticky Situations

Spider-patch, Spider-patch, does whatever a Spider-patch can.


A new patch has arrived for Marvel's Spider-Man 2, and this one focuses on helping players escape sticky situations--specifically, situations in which they or an enemy have become stuck in the level geometry of the game, which is capable of happening in multiple areas across the wide map.

According to Insomniac, instances of players becoming stuck in the finale of the Sandman's memories, bosses getting caught up in stage objects, multiple instances of the Galvanize tutorial causing issues, and character models not loading correctly after long play sessions will be resolved in this patch. Additionally, improved stability and an issue where the Charge Jump ability would break when assigned to a shortcut have also been addressed.

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Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Version 1.001.004 Patch Notes

  • Addressed an issue where players could become stuck during the finale of Marko's Memories
  • Addressed an issue where a boss could become stuck in geometry
  • Addressed multiple issues where the player could become stuck during the Galvanize tutorial
  • Addressed an issue where players with shortcuts enabled could become stuck in a puzzle during the New Threads mission
  • Addressed an issue where the Charge Jump would break when assigned to a shortcut
  • Addressed an issue where the Upgraded Classic suit had duplicate eye details
  • Further addressed issues where models would not load properly after long play sessions
  • Improved stability

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is off to a great start, as Sony reported that the game sold more than 2.5 million copies worldwide over its first 24 hours and has become the "fastest-selling PlayStation Studios games in PlayStation history" after its first day on the market. Developer Insomniac is also working on a Wolverine game that is set in the same universe as its Spider-Man, and for more on the game, you can check out this interview with Marvel's Spider-Man 2 senior creative director Bryan Intihar, a full breakdown of the ending of Spider-Man 2, and how a Venom spin-off might be in Insomniac's future.

GameSpot's Spider-Man 2 review scored the game an 8/10. "All in all, Marvel's Spider-Man 2 may largely give us more of what we've played in Insomniac's previous Spider-Man games, but that winning formula is still so damn fun that it really doesn't matter," Jordan Ramee wrote.

Darryn Bonthuys on Google+

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