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Marvel Vs. Capcom Comes to Dreamcast

Rumors persist that Capcom will bring its newest "Vs." 2D fighting game to the Dreamcast this March in Japan.


It was only a matter of time before Capcom began bringing its 2D fighting games to the Dreamcast. Although there still has been no official word from Capcom regarding this release, rumors around the 'Net and Japanese distributors have indicated that Marvel Vs. Capcom is indeed planned for a March 25 launch in Japan for 5,800 yen.

Capcom Entertainment told us today that it has made no announcement about the release of Marvel vs. Capcom, let alone on the Dreamcast.

This could be the first 2D game we see on the system that gives us an indication of the system's 2D power. Surely this will be one of the most anticipated Dreamcast games when Capcom makes it official.

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