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Marvel Boss Kevin Feige Says That Streaming Is "The Future" Of The MCU

Marvel's first Disney+ show will be WandaVision, and it hits the service next month.


While there are many movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe ahead of us, much of the focus right now is on the studio's upcoming slate of shows heading to Disney+, which kicks off next month with WandaVision. Now Marvel boss Kevin Feige has spoken about the MCU and the importance of streaming in Marvel's future plans.

Speaking to, Feige stated that he considered streaming "the future" of the MCU. [It's] where consumers want to watch things," he said. "And hopefully they'll want to watch our longform narrative series. An experience like WandaVision is something you can't get in a movie. You go to movies for things you can't get on streaming, and you go to streaming for things you can't get in a theater. And of course, everything in a theater goes to streaming eventually."

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Feige goes on to explain that MCU shows provide the opportunity to explore characters, such as WandaVision's Wanda Maximoff and Vision, in more depth than in movies. "My team and I were wondering internally about where to go from here, and what would be the next step that was equally challenging and unexpected," he said. "Elizabeth [Olsen] and Paul [Bettany] were these amazing actors--who had done amazing things in four movies--but never had a chance to dominate the narrative because there was so much else going on. It felt fun to finally give them a platform to showcase their astounding talent."

In the interview, Feige also dropped a hint about another of Marvel's upcoming Disney+ shows, She-Hulk. The series will star Orphan Black's Tatiana Maslany as Jennifer Walters, a lawyer who is also Bruce Banner's cousin. He described the show as a "half-hour legal comedy," and stated it would be something Marvel had "never done before."

Last week, Marvel announced a new Disney+ show titled Marvel Studios: Legends. It isn't a new narrative series, but a "greatest hits" package focusing on individual heroes from the MCU. The first two episodes arrive in January and will feature Wanda and Vision. Beyond that, other upcoming Marvel series include Falcon and The Winter Soldier, Loki , Ms. Marvel, Hawkeye, Moon Knight, and the crossover event Secret Invasion.

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