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Mario Paints, F-Zero Expands

In other Nintendo news, Mario Paint has gone through a name change, and F-Zero will be expandable.


Aside from the Zelda news today, there are two other pieces of information that will be of interest to Nintendo fans.

Mario Paint has now been retitled Mario Artist. The game will apparently be the first in a series of "Artist" titles, which will be released for the 64DD when it is released next year.

Also revealed in the interview with Yoshio Hongo in The 64 Dream is the fact that Nintendo is planning to make the cartridge F-Zero 64 expandable through a 64DD disc that will allow players to play through new courses and design their own. The potential would then be there for levels to be designed by players around the world and distributed over Nintendo's planned modem hookup for the 64DD or between friends.

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