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MacBook Pro M3 Preorders Are Live At Amazon Ahead Of Next Week's Launch

The new MacBook Pro lineup features the powerful M3 chip. All three models arrive on November 7, but preorders are now open.


Apple has officially pulled back the curtain on the next generation of MacBook Pro, all of which feature a chip from the new M3 lineup. As you'd expect, these aren't cheap products, with the entry-level model costing $1,600. However, this is $400 cheaper than the MacBook Pro with M2 Pro that released earlier this year. Naturally, the price can skyrocket depending on your configuration, as it's possible to get a sleek new MacBook Pro with 48GB RAM, a 1TB SSD, and a chipset with a 16-core CPU and 40-core GPU.

Preorders are now open for the MacBook Pro lineup at Amazon, Best Buy, and Apple, and Amazon, with a release date set for November 7. If you prefer desktop PCs, the new M3 chip will be available in the new iMac that starts at $1,300 and releases the same day. Like all Apple products, these are bound to be popular, especially with the holidays around the corner--so consider reserving your unit as soon as you can.

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