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Lord of the Rings card game goes online

Worlds Apart is developing an online version of Decipher's Lord of the Rings trading card game.


Decipher, the company behind a number of trading card games, has announced plans to take its Lord of the Rings card game online. The online version will be developed by Worlds Apart, a developer that previously created MUD online games such as The Eternal City and Grendel's Revenge.

"The Lord of the Rings trading card game is easily the best TCG on the market today. Its accessibility allows you to learn the game quickly, and the depth and sheer fun of the gameplay keep you coming back for more. I can't think of another license-based game that more closely captures the spirit of its source material," said Scott Martins, president of Worlds Apart. "We are quite proud to work with Decipher to bring this game and prestigious property to the Internet."

The Lord of the Rings Online Trading Card Game is scheduled to go live in early 2003.

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