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Konami hires licensing pro

US arm of Konami eyes film, books, TV, and music as content licensing takes center stage.


Last summer, when Konami relocated a substantial portion of its game operations to US shores, it said the reason was to focus greater attention on partnering with the core entertainment industries of film, TV, and music. Konami took a step in that direction this week when it announced that it had hired a veteran from the licensing trenches, Linda Osher.

Osher's background includes years of experience in music clearance and marketing services. Her past work has included deal-making with clients that include Nissan of North America, Walt Disney TV Animation, and Lifetime Television. She also served as the director of music licensing at the Walt Disney Motion Picture Group.

At Konami Digital Entertainment, Osher is tasked with "content licensing including creating and negotiating new opportunities in the convergent areas of print, music, television, film and videogames."

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