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Deleted Scenes For Knives Out Make The Thrombey Family Look Much Worse

3 AM is not prime time for a bicycle accident.


Rian Johnson's murder-mystery Knives Out was an exciting film filled with twists and turns that kept viewers on the edge of their seats. While the movie was over two hours long, it didn't feel like it, as Knives Out was filled with information leading the audience to find out "Whodunit"--or who killed Harlan Thrombey. Now, with the release of the movie on 4K UHD, Blu-ray, DVD, and digital, deleted scenes reveal more on the backstories of certain members of the Thrombey family.

One moment that's never fully explained in the theatrical release of the film is why Walt Thrombey is walking with a cane. The deleted scenes give some insight. The opening scene has Walt explaining to the detectives and Benoit Blanc (Daniel Craig) that he got into a bicycling accident. However, in other scenes, Blanc reveals he knows it wasn't an accident and that Walt was shot in the leg at 3 AM. Walt's wife Donna confides in Blanc, saying Walt was taking money from the Thrombey publishing company for side investments, and in turn, that got him into some rough water with thugs, who wanted Walt to pay up.

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In the commentary for the deleted scene, director Johnson explained it was another way to show Walt's desperation, and there were other moments to this side story that were never filmed. While the deleted scene of Donna seeing a thug on her front step is included on the home release, Johnson explained there was a planned scene where said thug gives Blanc the coat he's wearing, as the thug is another police officer Blanc was using to get Donna to confess to Walt's side investments.

The second deleted scene involves Joanie's company Flam, which makes beauty products. Early on in the film, it's revealed Blanc has a rash on his neck. In a later scene, Blanc talks to Joanie about her company, and explains that the snail jelly moisturizer he was using--along with plenty of others--gave him a rash. Many customers online have also complained about this, and Flam is in freefall. It's another case of a member of the Thrombey family not taking accountability for their actions. Johnson explained in the commentary that while he loves these scenes, the latter half of it appeared too late in the film, and it messed with the pacing a bit.

The Knives Out home release has plenty of other special features as well, all of which are detailed below for 4K UHD, Blu-ray, and DVD.

Knives Out home release special features:

  • Audio commentary from director Rian Johnson, director of photography Steve Yedlin, and actor Noah Segan
  • Deleted scenes with optional commentary from Johnson
  • "Making a Murderer" documentary
  • In-theater commentary from Johnson
  • Director and cast Q&A
  • "Planning the perfect murder" featurette
  • Marketing gallery and viral ads

Knives Out on Blu-ray: $40 $20

Knives Out on 4K UHD: $43 $25

In GameSpot's review of Knives Out, Rafael Motamayor said, "Taking a well-established--if old-fashioned--genre and updating it to resonate with modern audiences is no small feat. Making a 130-minute movie feel like 1-hour is even harder. But when it comes to making a movie that's entertaining, thoughtful, sharply written, and undeniably creative, Rian Johnson is guilty as charged."

Knives Out is available now on digital, 4K UHD, Blu-ray, and DVD.

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