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Kesmai Engages Engage

Fourteen Engage titles will be available on Kesmai's GameStorm.


Engage Games Online and Kesmai Corporation recently announced that 14 Engage titles would eventually be available on Kesmai's GameStorm online gaming service. Monday, it announced that the third Engage title to appear on GameStorm is billiard sim Virtual Pool, a game designed by Celeris Inc. The game is currently playable on GameStorm. Players can gather on Kesmai's service in any of eight virtual pool halls to arrange matches or simply talk pool.

The first two games to go online as part of the Kesmai-Engage agreement were Rolemaster: MageStorm and Darkness Falls.

Other games that are scheduled to appear on GameStorm are Diablo, Descent, Castles II, Bladelands, Claw, Caesar's Palace Casino, U.S. Chess Federation, Improv Trivia, Billboard Trivia, Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness, and Splatterball.

GameStorm requires a basic monthly fee of US$9.95, which includes unlimited play of all the above games.

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