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Katana E3 No-Show

Sega of America president Bernie Stolar says that the Katana console won't be shown at E3.


By now, you've heard the rumors, the speculation, etc. that Katana will be officially unveiled pre-E3. The date of the actual announcement - from Sega of Japan - is under some speculation; some say it will be May 15 (very likely), others say May 21 (maybe), and still others say May 23 (the day Warp will unveil D2).

In an interview earlier this week with GameSpot News, Sega of America president Bernie Stolar said that Katana will not be a part of Sega's E3 booth. When asked what of Katana will be shown at E3, Stolar replied "Nothing. We'll be talking to developers but not showing Katana anywhere."

The company may be planning to wait until later, at a quieter, more controllable environment after E3 (such as a Gamer's Day event) to officially unveil it in the US. It's possible that Sega of America will duck out of showing Katana at E3 to avoid being in a war for the press's attention amongst new games from Sony and Nintendo. Not necessarily the best course of action if reeducating people about Sega is a top priority, but it is one that will make Sega and Katana a big story at a later date.

Check out our story posted today for our interview with Bernie Stolar on his plans for bringing the Katana to the US and how he plans to get the company back on top.

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