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Karen Gillan Doesn't Know If There Will Be Another Jumanji Movie

"I hope they make another one because it's so much fun."


Sony Pictures successfully revived the Jumanji series for a new audience with Welcome to the Jungle in 2017 followed by The Next Level in 2019. Both were box office juggernauts, but we still haven't heard about another one. Actress Karen Gillan, who starred in the new Jumanji films, told Collider that no one has reached out to her about another entry, at least not yet.

"I actually don't know anything about the next one," she said. "Nobody has spoken to me, so I think--I don't know. I assume they'll make one and I don't know how they're gonna tackle that. But I hope they make another one because it's so much fun."

Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle made $962 million worldwide in 2017, making it the fifth-biggest film of the year at the global box office, well ahead of Spider-Man: Homecoming, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, Thor: Ragnarok, and Wonder Woman. The 2019 sequel, The Next Level, made $800 million globally, finishing the year as the 10th highest-grossing movie internationally.

Given the enormous box office results for the new Jumanji movies ($1.7 billion combined), it would seemingly make business sense for Sony Pictures to pursue another entry.

The movies feature a long list of big names, so getting their schedules to line up could be a challenge. In addition Gillan, the films feature The Rock, Jack Black, and Kevin Hart in the main cast, with Awkwafina, Danny Glover, and Danny DeVito joining the cast for the sequel.

The series is based on the Jumanji book by Chris Van Allsburg. The franchise was first adapted for the screen in 1995's Jumanji starring Robin Williams, Bonnie Hunt, and Kirsten Dunst. The new films were directed by Jake Kasdan, the son of Star Wars writer Lawrence Kasdan.

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