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It's A Lost Reunion, As JJ Abrams And Josh Holloway Team Up For New HBO Max Series

The band is getting back together for a mini-reunion of sorts for a new HBO Max series.


Lost producer JJ Abrams and series star Josh Holloway are teaming up again for a new project, but this one is not set on an island with mysterious properties.

HBO Max has announced a new series called Duster that will feature Holloway in the lead role, according to The Hollywood Reporter. The series hails from LaToya Morgan (Shameless, Turn) and JJ Abrams. Holloway's character is a getaway driver for a crime group in the American southwest in the '70s.

Abrams and his production company Bad Robot signed a lucrative deal with WarnerMedia to produce new shows and movies for the company, and Duster is just the latest. Before this, Abrams announced new Constantine and Justice League Dark projects, as well as a new property called Overlook that's set int he world of The Shining.

Outside of those projects, Abrams is developing a Superman reboot movie.

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