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Is this Hock 'ChuaN' Wong's new dream team?

Rumours have been flying around since the start of this year that an impending return of the International 2012 winner Wong 'ChuaN' Hock would be happening.


This article was originally published on GameSpot's sister site, which was dedicated to esports coverage.

Editor's Update:

onGamers has been provided with new information regarding the upcoming ChuaN dream team, the support player for TongFu, Zhaohui 'SanSheng' Wang, will be moving away from playing competitive Dota 2 and will instead take up a managerial position in the unnamed team.

Along with this change the current TongFu coach Mikasa aka Junjie ' Sydm' Tong will also become part of the new team continuing in his coaching position.

The new information suggests that the rumoured upcoming changes to the Eastern scene are quickly becoming much larger than previous thought with changes happening within managerial and coaching positions as well as the players.

Original Story:

The latest development comes after's victory last night in the Season 4 D2L finals at the Caesars Palace in Vegas. Shortly after their victory Zhang 'Xiao8' Ning posted on the Chinese networking site Weibo an update which suggests his time at was coming to an end after he thanked his team mates and stated that 2014 would be a new beginning after being with for over three years.

According to the Chinese news site Hock Chuan 'ChuaN' Wong's return will be met by a wave of roster changes across the majority of the Eastern scene with some of the giants like Invictus Gaming, TongFu and being affected by the shuffle.

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Rumoured Lineup (Including their expected position)

  1. Chen 'Hao' Zhihao
  2. Zhang 'Mu' Pan
  3. Zhang 'Xiao8' Ning
  4. Wong 'ChuaN' Hock
  5. Zeng 'Faith' Hongda

The list is notable missing Zhou 'KingJ' Yang who was another player ChuaN was rumoured to be forming a team with. The expected shuffle is due to take place after the Chinese New Year (31st January) when a number of existing player contracts expire so until that time we will be treating this lineup as a rumour.


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