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ION, Eidos, 7th Level Make It Official

As expected, 7th Level's Dominion has moved to ION Storm. Well, kind of.


As expected, 7th Level's Dominion has moved to ION Storm. Well, kind of.

The two companies will shepherd the project to completion as codevelopers. An ION spokesperson told GS News today that it will likely be the only codeveloped project undertaken by the two Dallas companies.

The real-time strategy-combat game will be renamed by ION. Dominion Storm, as it is now called, was originally developed by two current ION staffers, Todd Porter and Jerry O'Flaherty, when they were at 7th Level. ION reportedly paid 7th Level US$1.8 million for the property.

ION says Dominion Storm will feature single-player and multiplayer modes, and scenario editors to allow gamers to edit maps and create custom missions. The agreement includes ION's licensing 7th Level's TopGun technology for the title and the title's first mission pack

Dominion Storm, to be published by Eidos, is scheduled for a January release.

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