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Hitman Is Low-Calorie Stealth No Longer

At E3 2015, IO Interactive demonstrated how its beloved assassin series has returned to its roots.


Although 2012’s Hitman: Absolution was an excellent action title, it diminished much of what made the series unique. As a fan of the earlier games, it pained me to see IO Interactive’s sandbox assassination series begin to lose its complexity in favour of a focus on action and bombast.

At its finest hour (Blood Money), Hitman felt like peering into the guts of a grandfather clock, examining all the interconnected pieces, admiring the beautiful harmony in which they worked together, and then detaching the one piece that kept it all ticking.

I’ve come to accept that simplifying this formula may have been a commercial necessity. The Hitman series was always a beast too complex for consoles to contain, in part due to its roots as a PC series. But now, if the Hitman reboot shown at E3 2015 is any indication, IO Interactive appears to be done with low-calorie stealth.

Although we weren’t given an opportunity to get hands-on with the new Hitman, IO Interactive creative director Christian Elverdam took us on an in-depth tour of one of the assassination contracts from the game, highlighting the numerous ways the new Hitman returns to its roots.

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The area demonstrated to us is the same as the one featured in the gameplay trailer, above. In the video, Agent 47 emerges from a limousine and walks along the red carpet towards a VIP fashion show, his invitation held high as an array of blinding camera flashes break out.

For long-term fans of the series, the invitation is an important detail. Agent 47’s relationship with the International Contract Agency had become strained in the more recent editions of the series. In Absolution, his former employer was in fact hunting him, but for the new game Agent 47 is back in the ICA’s good books. This means he begins missions with the full backing of the agency, so you arrive as a guest.

The ICA’s support of Agent 47 also informs the feel and pace of the game. You’re no longer the dog backed into the corner by its master, as was the case in Absolution, so this new title is less about desperation and survival. Instead, you are again the fully-resourced apex predator, with the time and freedom to stalk your prey and come up with a perfect assassination plan.

As Elverdam takes control of Agent 47, two targets are designated for assassination, but for the purpose of this demo, and in the interest of not spoiling too much, we’re told the focus will be around Victor Novikov. Although his public-facing persona is a powerful oligarch, he’s also a member of a spy-ring known as IAGO, which deals in secrets capable of toppling governments and compromise covert operatives.

"Even this early, it seems the studio has confidently struck a balance between the approachability of Absolution, and Blood Money’s depth and freedom."

Elverdam guided us through the area by popping into a freecam mode, and moving between points of interest to highlight key areas of the game. First up, a top-down perspective over the sprawling location, which is fully accessible to Agent 47, provided he meets the right conditions to access them.

“The entire palace, from the cellar to the attic, and the grounds outside are all your playground,” he said. “There’s life everywhere. There are guards patrolling, there are things happening, there are different security zones to bypass throughout the whole level. It’s very much what you expect from a Hitman game, just on a much larger scale than you’ve had before.”

Hitman’s freedom of approach was best showcased at the very start of our demo. At the end of the red carpet, standing in front of a lavish water fountain, was a TV reporter and her camera-operator. As Agent 47 walked through the shot, she stopped, watched him for a few moments, and then resumed her recording. In most games, players wouldn’t think twice about a random NPC. However, in Hitman every character could provide an opportunity. On this occasion, if players listen to her report for long enough, she reveals she will be interviewing Victor Novikov later in the night. Obviously, a perfect opportunity to take him out. In front of the world, no less.

We then move onto a quick overview of how to tamper various objects in the environment, and also how to lay traps; a pillar of the Hitman series. The area was filled with dozens of objects and environmental features that Agent 47 could put to use.

There's a gas canister, which, if you have a screwdriver, can be punctured. There are chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. There is a bar fully staffed by waiters serving the rich and famous--including Novikov.

Within the sandbox, there’s so much opportunity for expression. Let’s take the bar as an example. Should you decide you want to take the subtle approach and take out your target by poisoning him, you’ve got the option to use a lethal poison that kills him instantly, give him a drawn-out death with a concoction that makes him violently ill before he gives up the ghost, or simply knock him unconscious. Importantly, every choice you make in the lead-up to taking out Novikov, has the potential create a domino effect that changes the parameters of your mission.

Taking Novikov out lethally, for example, may put security on a higher state of alert, which means taking out secondary targets, or even reaching the extraction point, becomes significantly more difficult than if you sneak in, knock him out, hide his body, and vanish.

Later in the demo, an explosive is planted on the floor near some guards. Agent 47 then throws his trusty coin near the explosive to direct security’s attention towards it. Instead of going straight into an alert mode, the guard approaches it, diffuses it and then walks inside the building. According to Elverdam, players can choose to follow him he will take them to a weapons armoury beneath the mansion.

The puppeteering element of Hitman also returns. Novikov won’t just stand around waiting for you to appear. He’s a man with things to do, at any given moment he can be behind the stage getting grief from a fashion designer who feels she’s been forced to sell out, trying to hit on a model, or walking around the grounds outside the mansion. Luring Novikov, and any of the other NPCs, into where you need them, requires some forward-thinking and finesse.

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In our demo, Elverdam pointed out a series of barges floating on the river surrounding the mansion. At the end of the fashion show, these launch fireworks to illuminate the night sky and dazzle guests. However, with a little effort, Agent 47 can also set these off early to lure guests out of the mansion, spread a little confusion among the guards, and slip through the cracks in the security unseen.

There have also been a number of other smart tweaks in other areas. The Instinct mode, for example, is less about telling the player exactly what to do and what’s around them, and instead now represents Agent 47’s innate assassin’s intuition. It shows enemies in his immediate surroundings that he could conceivable hear or see, and points of interaction that he’d naturally gravitate to.

Of course, since it is based on Contract modes, that means other players around the world can create new scenarios and designate the dozens of other NPCs in the area as a new target for Agent 47. Which means the sheer variety of strategies available to players is almost overwhelming.

What we’ve seen so far is highly promising. Using Absolution’s Contracts mode as a foundation on which to rebuild the classic Hitman experience has obviously worked for IO Interactive. Even this early, it seems the studio has confidently struck a balance between the approachability of Absolution, and Blood Money’s depth and freedom.

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E3 2015
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Consoles tainted the series.

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@PinchySkree: Shit happens. I'm enjoying Hitman on consoles.

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@PinchySkree: the first one was the only one to not come to consoles, and I'm not referring to the HD remakes

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@PinchySkree: Right, so that means 2, Contracts, and Blood Money, were absolute dogcrap while the very first Hitman (which had the lowest rating of them all) was the best in the series...

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@tarp_master:Everyone seems to have read this as "all previous games were tainted because they were on consoles"

No, it was just Absolution that caved in to the current standard and trends of game development (no confidence in our current game design, let's go copy something that sells)

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@PinchySkree: That's not a console thing, its a gaming industry thing.

Or are you pretending that PC gaming isn't plagued by tons of cookie-cutter action games? because its actually even worse on the PC than it is on consoles.

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Very cool-soumding open approaches... Still not into stealth games, but I appreciate the depth of options and cause-effect design.

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Absolution was the only one in the series that was lo calorie stealth ugh, all other entries before were superb....Absolution wasn't trash but was hardly the ideal stealth game...this honestly listening to the conference presentation I have a very bad feeling about this one.....

for one Diana was assassinated last game so how's she alive and why is 47 even working for ICA again after being betrayed?? also the way they were talking having the whole game be the contracts system isn't good....the way they made it sound it's always on MP with no story to it and if that's so I don't want this....

there was nothing wrong with Hitman, once the series evolved to Blood Money that was the future and what did they do? ruined everything...... Hitman 2 was cool, kinda punishing stealth but good game all the same, Contracts was awesome, cinematic, atmospheric and it was adaptable.....Blood Money had the most options to could be really devious in that game....and some of the silent assassin ratings required some real thought....Absolution was a fracking bitch to play...punishing stealth for no reason, streamlined my ass....more like ruination....

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Edited By DoctorWeeTodd

@MJ12-Conspiracy said:

for one Diana was assassinated last game so how's she alive and why is 47 even working for ICA again after being betrayed?? also the way they were talking having the whole game be the contracts system isn't good....the way they made it sound it's always on MP with no story to it and if that's so I don't want this....

You never completed Absolution or even watched a video of the ending? It was the worst of the series, but it wasn't THAT bad. Actually Contracts was a little worse in some ways, since it was mostly a less refined rehash of Codename 47.

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@DoctorWeeTodd: I beat Absolution but maybe I didn't care about the end at that point IDK, I do remember thinking good it's done, Dexter's dead.....I didn't have any connection to anything mainly cus well no info on targets or was just kill or be killed so I may as well have played COD.....ya know?? Hitman always had context to the contracts...something Absolution lacked....

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Edited By xsonicchaos

@MJ12-Conspiracy: I'm pretty sure you haven't played the game, and let us end it here before I pull the trivia on you and you pull the "I was too bored to care" on me. Listen, some games aren't for everyone. You like playing CoD, that's great, I also like doing that, but I play different games for different reasons. You have to adjust your fun sensitivity depeding on whatever you're playing. You can't play Hitman trying to find ways to kill someone stealthy laughing out loud, yelling "woohoo headshot" all the way. Absolution was a good game, for fucks sake, it wasn't perfect, but it wasn't as terrible as you people make it out to be. The result is IO Interactive having no idea what they're frikin doing or who to cater to anymore.

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@xsonicchaos: Don't tell me what i have and haven't done.....I played and beat Absolution, i just didn't care enough to remember the ending because the story and game was so blah....

I'm a longtime fan of Hitman and I'm genuinely disappointed how the franchise has turned out, 2 game IP's about assassins 1 has become stale due to yearly release and the other became stale due to being watered down....

also to others, I did not play this like COD, I played it expecting Hitman not COD, not Doom, not Halo...I EXPECTED HITMAN.....and got....well we wanna be Hitman but we have to compete with Assassins Creed and we have to make it simpler.....NO, you needed to make Hitman not some watered down BS that tries to pull in Assassins fans....odds are there's more like me who loved Hitman but hated Assassins and vice versa and if Assassins fans hated Hitman you never needed them as fans....that's the truth....when you assume you make an ass out of U and me.....don't assume you know what games I play, you don't know me I assure you....

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@MJ12-Conspiracy: You seem incredibly upset for some reason. And I'm still not convinced you've played Absolution. There's nothing similar to any Assassin's Creed game in Absolution. And there's a really huge possibility that you haven't played Assassin's Creed games much either. I really think you're just pulling crap out of your ass and like to ride the hate bandwagon. I may not know you personally, but I know people like you, and so far you're pretty much exactly what I expect.

Absolution isn't perfect, it's surely not the best game in the franchise. I personally think Contracts is, but you can see how that's subjective. I would love to see IO learn and build upon Absolution than to destroy an entire franchise.

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@xsonicchaos: I seem upset? well i wonder're sitting there telling me what i;ve done when I know WTF I've done......STFU!! there's 3 things I hate in life, 1 fools like you who call me a liar directly or indirectly and that's what you did..... 2 people starting a fight just to start now 3 pointless arguments with stupid fools who can't accept a statement of fact..or an now

I've said all I'm going to say.....just bow out and leave it......

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@MJ12-Conspiracy: You must have had a bad day or something. Mommy stopped paying for Xbox Live? You really strike me as a snotty little kid. Instead of freaking out the way you do, you could've brought some good arguments. I'm not starting a fight with you. In fact, you're the one fighting, and you don't even know how that works. You name my arguments pointless without pointing out which or why, and you're naming your statements as facts without bringing any arguments to back that up. And most of your comments make little sense, and I'm leaving out the horrid punctuation.

"odds are there's more like me who loved Hitman but hated Assassins and vice versa and if Assassins fans hated Hitman you never needed them as fans"

What the hell does that even mean? I'm sure it makes sense in your head. If you don't want to bring proof that you have indeed played Absolution (at all), it's okay, I get it. You haven't played the game. There are many like you, pretending to have played a game, pretending to be fans of a series, most of you too young to be interested in games older or uglier than Crysis. If you said it all, you'd actually surprise me. But there's more bullcrap where that came from, I bet on it.

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I didn't really care about Absolution in the end either. There were some good levels, but all the filler missions of getting of point A to point B and scenes of 47 stupidly walking into obvious traps and being forced to kill people loudly in front of witnesses spoiled the game for me.

As for the game having not enough info on targets, I'd argue it was the most exposition heavy of all the games, and gave players a lot of reason to kill the targets. However unlike previous titles aside from Diana and the final boss none of them were actual contracts and 47 wasn't a Hitman. He was just a hunted fugitive out hunting his hunters.

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@MJ12-Conspiracy: My friend you should have played hitman like "hitman" and not like COD just because they made it little forgiving as you could shoot yourself through.

Anyways, She doesnt die, she lives. It is revealed at the end.

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@MJ12-Conspiracy: Did you finish Absolution?

What strikes me is that 47 seems a fair bit younger in the trailers. At least, to me.

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@loafofgame: also has his tattoo. thinking Absolution at least has been written out

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@elessarGObonzo: How did I miss that. No, I'm pretty sure a heavy story focused game like that to be thrown out the window just because the game wasn't as well received as they wanted would have been a major waste. It could possibly be a clue to a prequel?

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@xsonicchaos: When one of the IO people visited the Gamespot stage, I believe he said the new Hitman takes place after Absolution, so... I don't know. Maybe the age thing is simply redesign. Or maybe the whole clone bit has got something to do with it. As for the tattoo, it's easy to get back and it makes sense, given that he seems to be working for Diana again.

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I don't want anything from Absolution, period.

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Edited By godfather830

I don't care. It's episodic, therefore I am not interested. If it wants to return to its roots, it should be released as a proper game.

PS: I just saw the trailer and it actually doesn't look like it's fully back to its roots. Better than Absolution, but I still see over-the-top action.

I'm very sad about what happened to this once great franchise.

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@godfather830: "If it wants to return to its roots, it should be released as a proper game."


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Hopefully this is true. There have been good and bad Hitman games; I'd argue the first Hitman and Blood Money are the best, and sadly the latest Hitman was the worst, so they need to redeem themselves imo.

Still, looking forward to this one!

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Blood Money all the way but the new Hitman looks AWESOME.

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Edited By yukushi

I have being playing hitman from the ps2 days never missed a game, day one buy for me or lets say day 30 just to be sure bugs are fixed because you know how new games are these days.

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I really hope that title "catch-phrase" doesn't become a thing. 'low-calorie' For F.S.

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@jbraden6075: it's been a thing, though tbh I've heard things more referred to as "lite", i.e. "stealth game-lite"

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I'll be honest, I'm not all that into the Hitman franchise, but I'll be damned if what I've seen on this one doesn't make me want to throw money at them as soon as it's out.

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@Too-DementeD: You probably missed out on Hitman 2: Silent Assassin. That was amazing in its day.

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low-calorie? You are not supposed to eat the game.

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@Suikogaiden: I'll have to reply my 'like' to you.

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Seems kind of pointless making funny jokes with no one to like it anymore.

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@Suikogaiden: true

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