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Hideo Kojima Teases Plans For 2022, Including A "Radical Project"

Kojima talks about working on a "radical project" this year.


Game designer Hideo Kojima has discussed some of his plans for 2022, saying he plans to experiment with a "radical project" this year and make further investments to the "video team." Kojima said he might also pursue something new like a "radio project" of some type.

Kojima discussed all of this on Twitter recently (via VGC). He said 2021 was a "very difficult year," but despite the challenges due to the pandemic, the team was able to release the Death Stranding Director's Cut on PlayStation 5. Additionally, Kojima said his team spent time in 2021 "solemnly preparing and experimenting with new titles."

What those "new titles" are remains to be seen. One exciting rumor is that Kojima is working with Microsoft on a new Xbox game, though this has yet to be confirmed or officially announced.

At The Game Awards, movie director and Kojima's pal, Guillermo del Toro, offered what sounded like a tease for a new Silent Hill game. However, del Toro subsequently confirmed that he was only joking.

Kojima's comment about the "video team" might be in relation to the film and TV unit that Kojima Productions opened in 2021. Based in Los Angeles, the team will work with "creative and talented professionals in television, music, and film..."

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