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'Have You Seen C.C. Sabathia?'

"Have you seen C.C. Sabathia?"That was one of the first questions out of the mouth of 2K Sports' Anthony Chau (whom I ran into last night at Capcom's Lost Planet Launch Event in San Francisco), when I asked him about the upcoming MLB 2K7.I wrote about 2K7's updated graphics in my look at the game...


"Have you seen C.C. Sabathia?"

That was one of the first questions out of the mouth of 2K Sports' Anthony Chau (whom I ran into last night at Capcom's Lost Planet Launch Event in San Francisco), when I asked him about the upcoming MLB 2K7.

I wrote about 2K7's updated graphics in my look at the game from CES and, during one of our floorshow videos, a rep for the game showed off some nice authentic animation details, such as Cubs slinger Carlos Zambrano stepping off the mound after dealing the pitch.

Obviously taking a cue from NBA 2K7's signature styles, MLB 2K7 is upping its animation and modeling game this time around. So while you can expect your virtual Jeter to be more Jeter-y this year (and hey, how about an unlockable Jessica Biel in full volleyball regalia, guys?) it seems that the degree of modeling accuracy in MLB 2K7 will mean that the portly Sabathia will be just as ample in the middle in the game as he is on the mound for the real-life Indians. For better or worse, that's the power of the next generation.

We'll be seeing more of MLB 2K7 soon so be on the lookout. In the meantime, hit me up with any questions you have about the game and I'll do my best to get them answered.

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