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Halo: MCC And Halo 5 Add Double XP To Help People Enjoy Their Time Indoors More

Microsoft is offering double XP to "help make your time inside a little more enjoyable."


As more and more people stay home from work or school amid social distancing recommendations related to the COVID-19 crisis, Microsoft is unlocking double XP for Halo: The Master Chief Collection and Halo 5.

Not only will players in those games earn double XP, Microsoft is giving everyone who logs into Halo 5 free XP boost packs for Arena and Warzone every week.

"Please remember to wash your hands and keep it clean," Microsoft said in a tweet announcing the bonuses, referencing the "Keep It Clean" achievement for Halo: Reach.

According to US telecom giant Verizon, gaming usage is up 75 percent due to "social distancing" protocols that are keeping people away from work and school.

For its part, Microsoft announced that Xbox Live usage had increased in the wake of COVID-19 as people stay home. It's expected that PlayStation Network and Nintendo Switch Online are also experiencing surges in demand.

A number of high-profile in-person competitive gaming tournaments, including the League of Legends LCS, Overwatch League, and Call of Duty League, have been either canceled or postponed due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

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