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GXTV Lands at a New Price

Samsung is offering its GXTV, made especially for gaming, at a new, under-US$200, street price tag.


Gamers who love to experience their games in full mind-numbing surround sound, but don't have the big budget to get that dream home-theater system, should take note. A few days ago, Samsung announced that it is lowering the MSRP of its GXTV to $229 from its previous $299, effective immediately.

Additionally, Samsung is also offering a $30 rebate for consumers so that the price is lowered even further to $199. The rebate is valid for GXTVs that are purchased before January 15, 1998.

The 13-inch TV has been marketed as a TV made especially for console gaming since its arrival on the market. Samsung has also launched an extensive print ad campaign during the fourth quarter in video game magazines and other mass-market publications.

GXTV is sold at Best Buy, Electronics Boutique, FuncoLand, KB Toys, Toys "R" Us, and other regional retailers.

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