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God Of War Ragnarok Adds Photo Mode In Free Update

Take your best shot.


God of War Ragnarok got a new update today, December 5, and it adds a photo mode to the popular PlayStation exclusive. Just like the 2018 God of War, Ragnarok launched without a photo mode, opting to add it later on as a free update for all players.

Ragnarok's photo mode gives players a number of options to create picture-perfect creations. For example, players can put facial expressions on characters like Kratos, Atreus, Freya, Brok, Sindri, Angrboda, Thor, and Thrúd. The photo mode can hide main or side characters, too.

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What's more, things like field of view, focal length, depth of field, and f-stop can be manipulated. In addition, the photo mode includes film grain and exposure settings to tinker with. There is also the ability to apply borders, logos, and vignettes to any photo.

You can read more about Ragnarok's photo mode on the PlayStation Blog. The blog post also includes some handy tips from developer Tim Ward to help take the best possible photos. There is no word on any other changes or fixes that might be included in the Ragnarok photo mode update.

With Ragnarok's photo mode out now, fans might be wondering what other post-launch content may be coming to the game. Unfortunately, there might not be anything, as developer Santa Monica Studio has said it has no plans for DLC.

Ragnarok sold 5 million copies in its first week to become the fastest-selling first-party PlayStation game of all time. For more, check out GameSpot's God of War Ragnarok review.

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