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GLOW Stars Advocated For More Inclusive, Representational Season 4 Before Cancelation

Season 4 would have benefited from a more diverse writer's room--but it was not to be.


Of all the unfortunate TV cancelations we've seen in 2020, the cancelation of the already-confirmed GLOW Season 4 has stood out as one of the most egregious. But as beloved as the show was, it wasn't perfect--and steps were being made to fix some of the show's representation issues in Season 4.

A statement has been shared on Instagram by Sunita Mani, who played wrestler Arthie Premkumar on the show. It details how the series' POC cast members came together to write a letter to the show's creators and executive producers asking for the show to do better with how it handles racial issues and representation.

"Since season 1, the show has planted racial stereotyping into our character's existence, yet our storylines are relegated to the sidelines in dealing with this conflict or have left us feeling like checked-boxes on a list," the letter reads. It notes that, while the show is celebrated for its diversity, the writer's room was entirely white.

According to Mani, the letter was a success. "Our show creators and producers HEARD US," she wrote. "They were in the process of making Season 4 reflect some of the systemic problems we outlined."

"This was a huge deal--creating space for change--and it was a testament to the love and support that was, by no twist of fate, an intentional element seeded by our show's creators and germinated in the entire cast."

You can read Mani's statement, and the letter, below.

The letter is signed by series stars Ellen Wong, Sydelle Noel, Britney Young, Shakira Barrera, and Kia Stevens, along with Mani.

The cast of the show has been calling on Netflix to let them wrap the series with a movie, so that the characters--and the fans--can find some closure.

Glow is just one of 24 series cancelled by Netflix so far this year: here's a complete list.

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