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Get Supernatural Complete Series On Blu-Ray For A Massive Discount

With nearly 230 hours of content spread across 58 discs, this box set is the ultimate way to watch Supernatural.


Supernatural had quite the run, airing for a staggering 327 episodes across 15 seasons from 2005-2020. That's a lot of ghost, demon, and monster hunting to enjoy--and if you're looking for the best way to indulge in the series, you'll want to pick up the Supernatural: Complete Series Blu-ray, which is on sale for just $125 at Amazon (down from $230). You'll also get digital copies of every episode with your purchase.

Supernatural earned widespread acclaim from viewers on Metacritic, with the series sitting at an impressive 8.2 rating with nearly 3,000 reviews. It's a great match for fans of thrillers and (surprise!) supernatural mysteries, as its bleak world is haunted by vampires, demons, and other monstrous beings. Consider checking it out if you need a series that could legitimately keep you entertained through the rest of 2024.

Along with Supernatural: The Complete Series on Blu-ray, a handful of other Supernatural items at Amazon may be of interest to fans. If you're a big fan or need to buy a gift for someone who is, here are some neat options to check out.

More Supernatural deals

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